[CP2K-user] [CP2K:19830] Re: Problems in `GEO_OPT` of FeS (Mackinawite) Slab
Ardalan Hayatifar
ardalanhayatifar at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 21:29:20 UTC 2024
Thank you!
I tried centering (different ways - let me know if you'd like the code to
replace your Excel method) and even using a bigger cell. The system still
implodes on itself. The convergence cycles show insane positive changes in
No matter what I do, it is still imploding (.gif image):
[image: untitled.gif]
On Friday, January 26, 2024 at 1:26:22 PM UTC-6 Станислав Бачурин wrote:
> I think you should give it a try. There's also a rough approach - open the
> coordinate file in an editor, copy it to a spreadsheet program like Excel,
> find the most negative value in each column representing its coordinate,
> and add that value to all the column values. This way, your coordinates
> will shift in a way that allows you to accurately understand the physical
> dimensions of the cell. I did this when I couldn't center it through
> visualization programs.
> пятница, 26 января 2024 г. в 22:16:40 UTC+3, Ardalan Hayatifar:
>> Great catch!
>> In VMD and using the same exact cell dimensions:
>> ```
>> pbc set {18.3675 18.3675 20.1312} -all
>> pbc box
>> ```
>> [image: Screen Shot 2024-01-26 at 1.11.49 PM.png]
>> it is off in XY plane.
>> It seems that in ASE-PyCP2K,
>> ```
>> structure = read('thickness-1-A_1.cif')
>> structure.center(axis=2)
>> ```
>> is not centering anything.
>> Should I try using `&CENTER_COORDINATES` to center it?
>> On Friday, January 26, 2024 at 12:59:00 PM UTC-6 Станислав Бачурин wrote:
>>> Could you check if your system is aligned in the xy plane? Maybe, before
>>> applying xy periodicity, it needs to be properly oriented.
>>> Also, it is necessary to set the dimensions along the Z-axis with a
>>> slight margin in the cell settings until this warning disappears. I
>>> struggled a lot with calculations under gas-phase conditions. I had
>>> exactly the same strange behavior - the nuclei almost merged in the organic
>>> molecule. When I figured out the cell settings and Poisson, everything was
>>> optimized correctly.
>>> пятница, 26 января 2024 г. в 21:49:57 UTC+3, Ardalan Hayatifar:
>>>> Thanks for your comment. I have been trying `PERIODIC XYZ` or `PERIODIC
>>>> XY` and that doesn't fix it either.
>>>> Having more layers also shows the same behavior.
>>>> On Friday, January 26, 2024 at 12:46:41 PM UTC-6 Станислав Бачурин
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> *** WARNING in pw_env_methods.F:738 :: The selected periodicities in
>>>>> the *** *** sections &CELL and &POISSON do not match *** You set
>>>>> periodicity to None, but use the periodic Poisson solver. Try wavelet or
>>>>> switch to Periodic in your Cell's settings.
>>>>> пятница, 26 января 2024 г. в 21:38:47 UTC+3, Ardalan Hayatifar:
>>>>>> I am using CP2K version 2023.2. I want to perform `GEO_OPT`on FeS
>>>>>> layers that I have made using Pymatgen. I am using .cif file from published
>>>>>> data.
>>>>>> *Input File:*
>>>>>> Note: `MAX_SCF` set to 100 results in the same behavior.
>>>>>> (attached)
>>>>>> *Problem:*
>>>>>> This is a convergence problem. Upon visualization I can see that
>>>>>> things get closer than they should and the system acts crazy.
>>>>>> *Pictures:*
>>>>>> Initial:
>>>>>> [image: Screen Shot 2024-01-26 at 10.46.20 AM.png]
>>>>>> After some SCF cycels:
>>>>>> [image: Screen Shot 2024-01-26 at 10.46.45 AM.png]
>>>>>> Another representation:
>>>>>> [image: Screen Shot 2024-01-26 at 10.10.58 AM.png]
>>>>>> (shown atoms distance ~1A!)
>>>>>> *What I’ve tried:*
>>>>>> - I have changed the slab size in X and Y directions to remove size
>>>>>> effects. Tried dimensions that are at least 1X1 A and 1.8 X1.8 A dimensions
>>>>>> - all while having 15 A vacuum in Z
>>>>>> - I have monitored the input file for close contacts using
>>>>>> `CHECK_INTERATOMIC_DISTANCES 1`. There are no pair-wise distances below 2.5
>>>>>> A.
>>>>>> - PBC effects: I have tried adding 1 A to cell dimensions `ABC` to
>>>>>> again eliminate possible overlaps, but the behavior persists.
>>>>>> - I have tried higher cutoff values (e.g. 1200).
>>>>>> - I have tried writing the input so that it uses a `.xyz` file
>>>>>> instead of PyCP2K-ASE format and that doesn’t change anything.
>>>>>> - Centering the solid layer using `&CENTER_COORDINATES` also did not
>>>>>> help.
>>>>>> At this point I’d like to ask for any help or suggestions. It it
>>>>>> possible that my parameters are wrong?
>>>>>> Thanks in advance for your time.
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