[CP2K-user] [CP2K:16260] Re: Improve extrapolation between relaxation steps?

Matt Watkins mattwatkinsuk at gmail.com
Thu Nov 18 08:34:56 UTC 2021

I've not played with smearing / OT, maybe someone else can suggest a good 
setup and whether it is recommended.

If there is a modest gap I would expect to get convergence in ~10 DIIS / 20 
CG SCF steps after a few relaxation steps.


On Wednesday, 17 November 2021 at 18:25:06 UTC nwi... at berkeley.edu wrote:

> It is a large band gap (TiO2), but with a has a shallow defect state, 
> making the overall band gap small (~0.13eV).
> I know OT works better the wider the gap, but I had hooped that after the 
> first SCF, it would still speed up quite a bit for the subsequent 
> relaxation steps. 
> I was trying to use FULL_KINETIC because 
> IRAC+Rotations+occupation_preeconditioner together require that. This has 
> the advantage of making defect states more robust by allowing for 
> fractional occupations, but of course it can severely compromise 
> convergence speed. 
> When I switch to FULL_SINGLE_INVERSE preconditioner. I can grep and get:
> *  outer SCF loop converged in*   3 iterations or  104 steps
>   *outer SCF loop converged in*   2 iterations or   72 steps
>   *outer SCF loop converged in*   3 iterations or  116 steps
>   *outer SCF loop converged in*   2 iterations or   72 steps
>   *outer SCF loop converged in*   2 iterations or   93 steps
>   *outer SCF loop converged in*   2 iterations or   72 steps
>   *outer SCF loop converged in*   2 iterations or   63 steps
>   *outer SCF loop converged in*   2 iterations or   60 steps
> It doesn't look like its speeding up very much. I suppose 60 i better than 
> 100, but its not what I expected.
> If this is just the way it is, then I'll live with it.
> On Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 10:08:02 AM UTC-8 mattwa... at gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> 'so for wide gap insulators you should for sure only need a few SCF 
>> cycles to converge'
>> I meant to write when fairly relaxed / close to the minimum ...
>> On Wednesday, 17 November 2021 at 18:06:33 UTC Matt Watkins wrote:
>>> Well, CP2K was setup to do Born-Oppenheimer MD for bio systems   - so 
>>> for wide gap insulators you should for sure only need a few SCF cycles to 
>>> converge.
>>> Is your  system insulating (band gap, let's say > 0.2 eV)? If not 
>>> different approach needed.
>>> If so, improve the OT setup  - especially the preconditioner
>>> remove
>>> ENERGY_GAP 0.01
>>> try 
>>> or (can be expensive for larger systems)
>>> and leave out the energy_gap (if you are using an up-to-date cp2k)
>>> Also check that you XC setup is correct ...
>>> Matt
>>> On Tuesday, 16 November 2021 at 17:58:59 UTC nwi... at berkeley.edu wrote:
>>>> Hello all, 
>>>> When I run a relaxation for a complex system, e.g. in my case a 
>>>> defective transition metal oxide with hybrid dft on a modest ~200 atom 
>>>> supercell, each SCF still takes quite a long time to converge. 
>>>> I originally came from vasp before switching to cp2k, and it in that 
>>>> code, my experience was that once the first scf loop converged, the next 
>>>> relaxation step would take much less time, and so on until the last few 
>>>> steps converged in just a few iterations. This isn't my experience with 
>>>> CP2K though. Running CG on my most recent relaxation I still find that 
>>>> after more than 20 relaxation steps, 40-50 scf steps are required to 
>>>> achieve convergence.
>>>> Is this something that I could improve by changing certain settings? 
>>>> Below is the relevant info for my input file. Please note that I understand 
>>>> FULL_KINETIC and CG might lead to slower convergence than FULL_ALL + DIIS, 
>>>> but my question lies in why convergence is not appreciably speeding up 
>>>> rather than its absolute speed.
>>>> -Nick
>>>> &DFT
>>>>                 BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME BASIS_ADMM
>>>>                 UKS T
>>>>                 MULTIPLICITY 0
>>>>                 CHARGE 4
>>>>                 &SCF
>>>>                         MAX_ITER_LUMO 400
>>>>                         MAX_SCF 50
>>>>                         EPS_SCF 1e-06
>>>>                         SCF_GUESS RESTART
>>>>                         &OT
>>>>                                 ALGORITHM STRICT
>>>>                                 MINIMIZER CG
>>>>                                 LINESEARCH 2PNT
>>>>                                 PRECONDITIONER FULL_KINETIC
>>>>                                 ENERGY_GAP 0.01
>>>>                                 ROTATION F
>>>>                                 OCCUPATION_PRECONDITIONER F
>>>>                         &END OT
>>>>                         &OUTER_SCF
>>>>                                 EPS_SCF 1e-06
>>>>                                 MAX_SCF 20
>>>>                         &END OUTER_SCF
>>>>                 &END SCF
>>>>                         ADMM_PURIFICATION_METHOD None
>>>>                         METHOD BASIS_PROJECTION
>>>>                 &QS
>>>>                         EPS_DEFAULT 1e-12
>>>>                         EPS_PGF_ORB 1e-16
>>>>                         EXTRAPOLATION PS
>>>>                         METHOD GPW
>>>>                 &END QS
>>>>                 &MGRID
>>>>                         NGRIDS 5
>>>>                         CUTOFF 550.0
>>>>                         REL_CUTOFF 50.0
>>>>                 &END MGRID
>>>>  &XC
>>>>                         &XC_FUNCTIONAL NO_SHORTCUT
>>>>                                 &PBE
>>>>                                         SCALE_X 0.0
>>>>                                         SCALE_C 1.0
>>>>                                 &END PBE
>>>>                                 &XWPBE
>>>>                                         SCALE_X 0.063
>>>>                                         SCALE_X0 0.877
>>>>                                         OMEGA 0.07
>>>>                                 &END XWPBE
>>>>                                 &PBE_HOLE_T_C_LR
>>>>                                         SCALE_X 0.123
>>>>                                         CUTOFF_RADIUS 5.930000000000001
>>>>                                 &END PBE_HOLE_T_C_LR
>>>>                         &END XC_FUNCTIONAL
>>>>                         &HF
>>>>                                 FRACTION 1.0
>>>>                                 &SCREENING
>>>>                                         EPS_SCHWARZ 1e-07
>>>>                                         EPS_SCHWARZ_FORCES 1e-06
>>>>                                         SCREEN_P_FORCES T
>>>>                                         SCREEN_ON_INITIAL_P T
>>>>                                 &END SCREENING
>>>>                                 &INTERACTION_POTENTIAL
>>>>                                         POTENTIAL_TYPE MIX_CL_TRUNC
>>>>                                         OMEGA 0.07
>>>>                                         SCALE_COULOMB 0.06
>>>>                                         SCALE_LONGRANGE 0.063
>>>>                                         CUTOFF_RADIUS 5.930000000000001
>>>>                                         T_C_G_DATA t_c_g.dat
>>>>                                 &END INTERACTION_POTENTIAL
>>>>                                 &LOAD_BALANCE
>>>>                                         RANDOMIZE T
>>>>                                 &END LOAD_BALANCE
>>>>                                 &MEMORY
>>>>                                         EPS_STORAGE_SCALING 0.1
>>>>                                         MAX_MEMORY 2000
>>>>                                 &END MEMORY
>>>>                         &END HF
>>>>                 &END XC
>>>> &END DFT

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