[CP2K-user] How should I solve "CPASSERT failed" problem?

Tianshu Jiang in Beijing jts2t... at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 07:14:23 UTC 2019

Hi, developers and users in this group,
I followed the tutorial GAPW_XAS calculation 
<https://www.cp2k.org/exercises:2017_uzh_cp2k-tutorial:gapw?s[]=electric&s[]=dipole> and 
run with cp2k 4.1.
The missing part (basis set and potential) in this example has 
been replenished. But output file tells that CPASSERT failed. 
Where maybe the problem?
Thanks for your reply !

[image: 屏幕快照 2019-03-20 下午3.07.47.png]

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