Re-optimising transition state using dimer method
Tobias Kraemer
161brun... at
Tue Sep 8 10:11:48 UTC 2015
Dear SL,
thanks for clarification. The calculation did work now, however, the
outcome was somewhat unexpected. The structure converged to a minimum,
although I asked
for a transition state optimisation. To be clear, the input geometry is
very close to a good transition state (it comes from a CI-NEB calculation).
The vibrational analysis revealed a prominent imaginary mode which
corresponds to the desired reaction channel. A second, much smaller (10s
cm-1) imagrinary mode was found, which involved a small rotation of a group
in the side chain. I want to get rid of this mode, and to this end, I
displaced the structure along the smaller imaginary mode (using the scaled
displacement vector from the vibrational analysis). I was hoping that with
such a good guess of the TS structure, it should be straightforward to
converge to the desired TS (with only one large imaginary mode). The fact
that the structure fell back into a minimum suggests to me, that I have
done something wrong. I have uploaded the input along with the starting
structure and the trajectory of the optimisation [note the structure is
quite large, the reaction happens at centre Rh(277)].
I am particularly keen to learn which parameters I may have to change, or
if I am even providing the right input structure. From the test examples in
CP2K distribution it appears to me that providing one structure is
suffcient (these test cases ran without a problem, however, they are very
small systems).
At this stage it would be crucial for me to work out the protocols for
running these type of calculations, since there are are number of TSs along
a complex pathway which I need to locate. I presume that the present case
won't be the only tricky TS which will need re-optimisation. As a note
aside, a constrained optimisation on the same system yielded the desired
TS, but this is only possible in cases, where the change in geometry does
not affect the core structure of the reaction coordinate to large extend. I
have dealt with situations in the meantime, where this method does not
work, and I would be relying on the dimer method.
Thanks for your comments, much appreciated
On Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 5:11:13 PM UTC+1, Tobias Kraemer wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to re-optimise a transition state structure which has a
> spurious (small) imaginary mode on top of the large imaginary mode which
> corresponds to the transition state. I've also tested doing a constrained
> optimisation fixing selected atoms involved in the transition state, which
> also worked in this particular case. Howeve, I would also like to try our
> the dimer method for the purpose of re-optimising a transition state
> structure. To this end, I have composed an input, however, the job crashes
> and I keep getting an error message about certain line Search type not
> being implemented (looks quite obvious from the message). However, I can't
> seem to find what I need to change to make it work. Your advice would be
> much appreciated. The motion section can be found below, full input file
> also uploaded.
> Any ideas on how to correctly set up a calculation using the dimer method
> are welcome
> Thanks for your help
> Tobias
> ************************************************************************
> *** 16:48:48 ERRORL2 in cg_utils:cg_linmin processor 0 :: err=-1000 ***
> *** UNIMPLEMENTED, Line Search type not yet implemented in CG for TS ***
> *** search. ***
> ************************************************************************
> ===== Routine Calling Stack =====
> 10 cg_linmin
> 9 cp_cg_main
> 8 geoopt_cg
> 7 cp_rot_opt
> 6 cp_eval_at_ts
> 5 cp_eval_at
> 4 cp_cg_main
> 3 geoopt_cg
> 2 cp_geo_opt
> 1 CP2K
> MAX_FORCE 8.0E-4
> MAX_ITER 500
> &END
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