[CP2K:6940] Re-optimising transition state using dimer method

S Ling lingsa... at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 18:49:29 UTC 2015

Hi Tobias,

You are using CG optimiser in GEO_OPT, and by default, it uses "GOLD" as
the linesearch method, which has not been implemented for TRANSITION_STATE
search as suggested by your output. You will need to add the following
section in &GEO_OPT.

        TYPE 2PNT
     &END CG


On 1 September 2015 at 17:11, Tobias Kraemer <161brun... at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I am trying to re-optimise a transition state structure which has a
> spurious (small) imaginary mode on top of the large imaginary mode which
> corresponds to the transition state. I've also tested doing a constrained
> optimisation fixing selected atoms involved in the transition state, which
> also worked in this particular case. Howeve, I would also like to try our
> the dimer method for the purpose of re-optimising a transition state
> structure. To this end, I have composed an input, however, the job crashes
> and I keep getting an error message about certain line Search type not
> being implemented (looks quite obvious from the message). However, I can't
> seem to find what I need to change to make it work. Your advice would be
> much appreciated. The motion section can be found below, full input file
> also uploaded.
> Any ideas on how to correctly set up a calculation using the dimer method
> are welcome
> Thanks for your help
> Tobias
>  ************************************************************************
>  *** 16:48:48 ERRORL2 in cg_utils:cg_linmin processor 0  :: err=-1000 ***
>  *** UNIMPLEMENTED, Line Search type not yet implemented in CG for TS ***
>  *** search.                                                          ***
>  ************************************************************************
>  ===== Routine Calling Stack =====
>            10 cg_linmin
>             9 cp_cg_main
>             8 geoopt_cg
>             7 cp_rot_opt
>             6 cp_eval_at_ts
>             5 cp_eval_at
>             4 cp_cg_main
>             3 geoopt_cg
>             2 cp_geo_opt
>             1 CP2K
>   &GEO_OPT
>         &DIMER
>         &ROT_OPT
>           OPTIMIZER CG
>         &END ROT_OPT
>        &END DIMER
>     MAX_FORCE 8.0E-4
>     MAX_ITER 500
>   &PRINT
>       &EACH
>          GEO_OPT 1
>       &END EACH
>   &END
> --
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