[CP2K:887] Re: Variable cell optimization

Teodoro Laino teodor... at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 20:36:25 UTC 2008


On 26 Mar 2008, at 21:20, Rad wrote:

> Teo,
> Couple of feedback: the volume is printed in Angstrom in some places
> and bohr in other places. Is it possible to sick to one unit (just
> bohr) so that post processing scripts people set up can stay as they
> are?
the .cell file is always in ANGSTROM. the output on the screen is  
according the unit that you
specified in your input file (if you use angstrom you will get  
angstrom, if you use bohr you will get bohr)..
Use the .cell file for post-processing if you don't like the idea  
that the output depends on the unit that
you decide to use.

> The output produces a bunch of restart files for wavefunction and
> Restart*restart. (this is for the case of GEO_OPT option). When I
> restart the calculation which one I should use?
The files generated during the geometry optimization are tagged *- 
you should also have a normal restart file without the -GEO_OPT-..  
use that one!
In case you do MD instead of GEO_OPT you will find MD.

> As usual convergence is always a tricky one. I am trying small systems
> and having issues with pressure fluctuating wildly, starting with few
> bars and reaching 50 kbars withing few steps. I will do few more runs
> (QS, GPW) and get back to you on this. The second item is the one I
> need a response before restarting my calculations.
Rad, for material that are quite hard of course small variations of  
the cell have large fluctuations in the pressure.
You can play with the bunch of parameters of the CELL_OPT section  
(specifically with the LS 2PNT for reducing
the max_allowed_step) to get a safer optimization..


> Thanks a lot for this most anticipated module for our team.
> Rad
> On Mar 25, 9:03 am, Rad <rad.... at arl.army.mil> wrote:
>> Thanks Teo,
>> I just got back from my vacation and it is a great news. I will  
>> get to
>> it immediately as I am working on several systems for which this
>> method would be ideal.
>> Rad
>> On Mar 20, 8:50 pm, Teodoro Laino <teodor... at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Rad,
>>> just a follow up about this message.
>>> Me and Paolo Raiteri implemented the cell optimization algorithm in
>>> cp2k both at 0K (optimizing the atomic positions) and at finite
>>> temperature (averaging the stress tensor over an MD run). There  
>>> are a
>>> couple of regtest added in Fist/regtest-12/argon* showing how to use
>>> the cell optimization algorithm. At the moment the only scheme
>>> available is the CG with a 2PNT line search (quite efficient in the
>>> systems
>>> I tested).
>>> Comments and suggestion are, as usual, welcome.
>>> Ciao
>>> Teo
>>> On 17 Oct 2007, at 21:51, Rad wrote:
>>>> Hi everybody,
>>>> Is it possible to do variable cell optimization using CP2K? Can
>>>> somebody provide me with a sample input section for that?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Rad- Hide quoted text -
>>> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> >

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