[CP2K:571] Re: Cygwin port to windows command-line

Jack Shultz jackyg... at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 21:52:19 UTC 2008

So here we go, I don't want to clobber you with Too Much Info. But you hit
on one thing I am wondering, I may not be referencing directories properly.
The local directory I run has copies of cygwin dynamic libraries. Maybe I
should see what happens when I try running one of these examples on another
windows computer with no cp2k installed. Or maybe create a new directory
where everything is in the same directory and make certain everything is
reference there. Ultimately that is how I hope to run this. But the error
looked like some kind of issue managing the stack size and that is why I
tried editbin to reallocate the intial stack size.

I'm attaching anything I think is relevant asside from the binnary and the

 Directory of C:\cygwin\usr\src\cp2k\exe\Cygwin-i686-g95

01/13/2008  04:42 PM    <DIR>          .
01/13/2008  04:42 PM    <DIR>          ..
01/12/2008  11:51 PM        13,735,198 cp2k.sopt
01/13/2008  04:42 PM             1,086 cp2k.sopt.stackdump
03/24/2006  12:31 AM           591,360 cygblas.dll
03/24/2006  12:31 AM         5,003,776 cyglapack.dll
12/14/2007  01:22 PM         1,872,666 cygwin1.dll
01/13/2008  04:42 PM             3,903 out.txt
               6 File(s)     21,207,989 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  27,382,362,112 bytes free


On 1/13/08, Teodoro Laino <teodor... at gmail.com> wrote:
> So.. can you tell us EXACTLY what you're doing??
> are you running this example directly in that directory? or are you
> copying that input file somewhere else and running it over there?
> are you sure that when you run that input file the working path is really:
> C:\cygwin\usr\src\cp2k\exe\Cygwin-i686-g95>cp2k.sopt..\..\tests\NEB\regtest-1\
> That example uses coordinates read from an external file.. though the
> error you reported is not complete (i.e. is missing
> something in the error message, I think due to windows peculiarities) I
> suspect that it's aborting because it does not find the
> coordinate file.
> teo
>  On 13 Jan 2008, at 21:36, Jack Shultz wrote:
>  By the way the input was this example which worked fine when I ran it
> through cygwin
> C:\cygwin\usr\src\cp2k\exe\Cygwin-i686-g95>cp2k.sopt..\..\tests\NEB\regtest-1\2gly_B-
> NEB.inp
> I was just wondering if anyone had done something similar in terms of
> porting it.
> >
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