[CP2K:570] Re: Cygwin port to windows command-line

Teodoro Laino teodor... at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 21:31:03 UTC 2008

So.. can you tell us EXACTLY what you're doing??

are you running this example directly in that directory? or are you  
copying that input file somewhere else and running it over there?
are you sure that when you run that input file the working path is  

C:\cygwin\usr\src\cp2k\exe\Cygwin-i686-g95>cp2k.sopt ..\..\tests\NEB 

That example uses coordinates read from an external file.. though the  
error you reported is not complete (i.e. is missing
something in the error message, I think due to windows peculiarities)  
I suspect that it's aborting because it does not find the
coordinate file.


On 13 Jan 2008, at 21:36, Jack Shultz wrote:

> By the way the input was this example which worked fine when I ran  
> it through cygwin
> C:\cygwin\usr\src\cp2k\exe\Cygwin-i686-g95>cp2k.sopt ..\..\tests\NEB 
> \regtest-1\2gly_B-NEB.inp
> I was just wondering if anyone had done something similar in terms  
> of porting it.

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