[CP2K:68] Compiling on an Intel mac.

Teodoro Laino teodor... at gmail.com
Thu May 10 18:46:29 UTC 2007

Thanks Andrew,

Can you confirm to the mailing list that you didn't receive any money  
from the cp2k team to
write such a message? ;-)

Thanks for the hint.. I will fix that right now..

about mailing lists.. everything has been more or less moved into  
this one (google) for several
1) more stable than berlios
2) can post just sending e-mail
3) can attach files
4) more easy for people to use (since on berlios you first had to  
subscribe to berlios.....)

People are highly invited to use the full functionality of the list  
(pages, load files.. everything has been enabled for all subscribers..)
in order to help the others..

Thanks again and let us know..
(especially if the feedback is good like this one ;-) )...


On 10 May 2007, at 20:39, Andrew Walker wrote:

> Dear all,
> I've just compiled and run Quickstep for the first time and I'm
> impressed how straight forward it is. Anyway I have a minor issue with
> compiling on an Intel mac running OSX that does not seem to have been
> raised in this forum before, and it'll probably be useful for somebody
> at some point so I may as well document it here.
> Although the current CVS source comes with a perfectly good Makefile
> for my machine (an off the shelf macbook, Intel Core Duo, OSX 10.4.9
> with g95 0.90) located at arch/Darwin-IntelMacintosh-g95.s[opt|dbg],
> tools/getarch_code knows nothing about it. The fix is trivial: add the
> following to the case statement in getarch_code
>       Darwin-*I386-8.9.1-i386)
>         PLATFORM="Darwin-IntelMacintosh-g95";;
> make sdbg then seems to work with no problems (at least, I can run the
> Quickstep H2O-geoopt test. I guess the expression could be made a
> little more general, but I don't have another machine to hand to test
> on. It would be good if somebody with CVS commit access would include
> this.
> I also see there are two mailing lists for this code. Is there any
> preference as to which one is used?
> Cheers,
> Andrew
> >

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