[CP2K-user] [CP2K:20225] Wavelet poisson solver for non-periodic system with xTB

bmk bas.kreupeling at gmail.com
Wed May 22 08:27:08 UTC 2024

Dear CP2K users/developers,

I want to simulate a non-periodic system using GFN-xTB. 

>From experience I know that using a wavelet solver works for simulating 
systems with cluster boundary conditions using DFT, and therefor that's 
what I used. The simulation doesn't crash and runs just fine, however, when 
I search through the regtests I can't find an example which combines XTB 

Is combing XTB with POISSON_SOLVER WAVELET correct and/or the best way to 
do this, or should I change my input and reperform my simulations?


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