[CP2K-user] [CP2K:20366] Re: FFTW Wisdom File Error

Santiago Movilla santiago.movilla at irbbarcelona.org
Thu Jun 20 15:43:39 UTC 2024

Dear Frederick, 
I would like to express my gratitude for all the assistance provided.
I have conducted two trials with FFTW3 and FFTSG, and I have attached the 
timings report. It appears that FFTSG results in superior performance. 
I have not yet tested with the wisdom file, as I have not yet generated it 
for the estimate plan type.


Santiago Movilla

On Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 4:40:51 PM UTC+2 Frederick Stein wrote:

> I will push a bugfix. Now, I can get it running, if a wisdom file created 
> from fftw-wisdom is used, but not if it was created during a CP2K run 
> (better than nothing).
> Can you provide the timing report (last part of the output file) to check 
> the performance of your setup?
> Santiago Movilla schrieb am Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2024 um 16:32:57 UTC+2:
>> Sure!, I did. 
>> Without this line the calculation works perfectly. It finishes without 
>> error. The problem is when I want to read or write the wisdom file.
>> On Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 4:24:39 PM UTC+2 Frederick Stein wrote:
>>> Can you try it without the line with FFTW_WISDOM_FILE_NAME?
>>> Santiago Movilla schrieb am Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2024 um 16:22:54 UTC+2:
>>>> Dear Frederick, 
>>>> Thank you very much for the answers. Even using the default (ESTIMATE) 
>>>> I still get the same errors. I have decided to attach the input of my 
>>>> calculation in case you can find any other error that may be related or, 
>>>> taking advantage of your expertise, if you can suggest any other kind of 
>>>> change that may speed up the calculation time. 
>>>> Best,
>>>> Santiago Movilla

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FFTW3(no wisdom file):
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 SUBROUTINE                       CALLS  ASD         SELF TIME        TOTAL TIME
                                MAXIMUM       AVERAGE  MAXIMUM  AVERAGE  MAXIMUM
 CP2K                                 1  1.0    0.088    0.097  333.992  333.999
 qs_mol_dyn_low                       1  2.0    0.007    0.008  326.282  326.605
 velocity_verlet                      5  3.0    0.007    0.008  273.556  273.577
 qs_forces                            6  3.8    0.002    0.002  243.141  243.146
 qs_energies                          6  4.8    0.004    0.026  219.639  219.643
 scf_env_do_scf                       6  5.8    0.000    0.001  207.068  207.072
 scf_env_do_scf_inner_loop           41  6.9    0.001    0.004  183.769  183.804
 rebuild_ks_matrix                   47  8.5    0.000    0.000  177.723  177.733
 qs_ks_build_kohn_sham_matrix        47  9.5    0.006    0.007  177.722  177.732
 qs_ks_update_qs_env                 47  7.9    0.000    0.000  154.551  154.559
 pw_transfer                        724 11.4    0.034    0.108  108.397  109.884
 fft_wrap_pw1pw2                    694 12.6    0.005    0.006  108.363  109.854
 fft_wrap_pw1pw2_160                294 13.3   15.863   16.103   94.762   96.806
 pw_poisson_solve                    53  9.9    3.807    3.880   89.037   89.039
 fft3d_ps                           694 14.6   31.849   33.858   76.367   77.657
 qs_rho_update_rho_low               47  8.0    0.000    0.000   52.410   52.461
 calculate_rho_elec                  47  9.0    0.526    0.530   52.410   52.461
 density_rs2pw                       47 10.0    0.003    0.003   44.886   45.944
 qmmm_forces                          6  3.8    0.009    0.009   43.307   43.308
 ps_wavelet_solve                    47 11.5   34.998   37.086   41.047   41.167
 qmmm_forces_with_gaussian            6  4.8    0.092    0.111   38.566   40.374
 qmmm_el_coupling                     6  3.8    0.000    0.000   35.216   36.900
 qmmm_elec_with_gaussian              6  4.8    0.058    0.061   35.159   36.869
 sum_up_and_integrate                47 10.5    0.001    0.001   36.360   36.497
 integrate_v_rspace                  47 11.5    0.002    0.002   35.732   35.955
 pw_restrict_s3                      24  5.8   13.147   14.345   32.643   34.454
 potential_pw2rs                     47 12.5    0.026    0.031   31.714   31.937
 mp_alltoall_z22v                   694 16.6   30.001   31.574   30.001   31.574
 qmmm_elec_with_gaussian:spline       6  5.8    0.000    0.000   26.721   28.412
 pw_prolongate_s3                    24  6.8   10.494   11.503   26.721   28.412
 qs_vxc_create                       47 10.5    0.001    0.001   27.066   27.199
 xc_vxc_pw_create                    47 11.5    1.089    1.180   27.065   27.198
 pw_integral_ab                    4498  7.4   18.142   19.163   25.650   26.425
 x_to_yz                            353 15.9    9.474   11.000   24.592   25.243
 init_scf_loop                        6  6.8    0.000    0.000   23.240   23.241
 qs_ks_update_qs_env_forces           6  4.8    0.000    0.000   23.180   23.182
 yz_to_x                            341 15.2    5.031    5.178   19.915   20.887
 mp_alltoall_d54                     47 12.5    3.608   19.880    3.608   19.880
 pw_nn_compose_r                    376 14.3    6.506    7.252   15.270   17.058
 xc_rho_set_and_dset_create          47 12.5    3.569    3.920   14.322   16.442
 mp_sum_d                          1485  8.4   14.786   15.926   14.786   15.926
 xc_pw_derive                       282 13.5    0.001    0.001   11.756   13.534
 mp_waitany                        4480 13.3   11.629   12.873   11.629   12.873
 mp_sendrecv_dm2                    752 15.3    8.764   10.764    8.764   10.764
 transfer_pw2rs                     259 12.8    0.002    0.002    9.892   10.002
 transfer_rs2pw                     247 10.8    0.002    0.003    8.650    9.799
 pw_zero                           3996  7.7    8.933    9.478    8.933    9.478
 xc_pw_divergence                    47 12.5    0.001    0.001    6.993    9.122
 fft_wrap_pw1pw2_40                  94 14.2    0.539    0.616    8.657    8.971
 mp_sum_dm3                          36  5.8    7.892    8.473    7.892    8.473
 pw_axpy                           2626  7.8    7.723    8.263    7.723    8.263
 qmmm_env_create                      1  2.0    0.555    0.609    7.273    7.274
 transfer_rs2pw_160                  53 11.7    1.476    1.706    6.042    7.218
 init_scf_run                         6  5.8    0.001    0.015    7.105    7.105
 scf_env_initial_rho_setup            6  6.8    0.000    0.000    7.104    7.105
 transfer_pw2rs_160                  53 13.9    2.166    2.559    6.608    6.989
 cp2k_distribution_to_z_slices       47 11.5    3.088    3.154    6.474    6.678
 pw_scatter_p                       353 14.9    5.875    6.599    5.875    6.599
 pw_gather_p                        341 14.2    5.847    6.023    5.847    6.023
 grid_collocate_task_list            47 10.0    4.484    5.967    4.484    5.967
 qs_scf_new_mos                      41  7.9    0.000    0.000    5.806    5.900
 qs_scf_loop_do_ot                   41  8.9    0.000    0.000    5.806    5.899
 dbcsr_multiply_generic             708 12.6    0.021    0.048    5.679    5.867
 fist_init                            1  3.0    0.000    0.000    5.802    5.803
 wfi_extrapolate                      6  7.8    0.000    0.000    5.404    5.404
 ot_scf_mini                         41  9.9    0.001    0.001    5.127    5.178
 fft_wrap_pw1pw2_10                 306 13.7    0.056    0.058    4.939    5.165
 xc_functional_eval                  94 13.5    0.001    0.001    2.814    4.868
 qmmm_calculate_energy               47 10.5    0.001    0.001    4.590    4.842
 xc_pw_smooth                        94 13.0    0.001    0.001    3.857    4.601
 add_fine2coarse                     24  6.8    4.222    4.567    4.222    4.567
 mp_alltoall_d11v                   947 13.2    3.236    4.463    3.236    4.463
 fist_calc_energy_force               6  3.8    0.017    0.017    3.798    4.359
 add_coarse2fine                     24  7.8    4.112    4.190    4.112    4.190
 rdparm_amber_8                       2  6.5    2.632    2.652    3.624    3.660
 qmmm_elec_with_gaussian_low          6  5.8    0.000    0.000    2.976    3.568
 topology_control                     1  4.0    0.001    0.008    3.027    3.488
 ot_mini                             41 10.9    0.000    0.000    3.463    3.475
 grid_integrate_task_list            47 12.5    2.023    3.439    2.023    3.439
 rs_gather_matrices                  47 12.5    0.019    0.036    1.974    3.288
 qmmm_elec_gaussian_low_R             6  6.8    0.000    0.000    2.595    3.200
 qmmm_elec_with_gaussian_LR           6  7.8    2.595    3.200    2.595    3.200
 mp_max_i                           586  2.7    2.929    3.184    2.929    3.184
 qs_energies_init_hamiltonians        6  5.8    0.000    0.000    3.083    3.083
 qs_env_update_s_mstruct              6  6.8    0.000    0.000    2.952    2.975
 pw_copy_to_array_c                 341 14.2    2.563    2.818    2.563    2.818
 force_field_control                  1  4.0    0.000    0.000    2.733    2.789
 xb88_lda_eval                       47 14.5    1.792    2.772    1.792    2.772
 qs_ot_get_derivative                41 11.9    0.000    0.000    2.689    2.737
 calculate_rho_core                   6  7.8    0.074    0.088    2.622    2.720
 transfer_pw2rs_40                   47 14.5    0.392    0.592    2.173    2.654
 mp_sum_dm                          940  4.8    1.914    2.555    1.914    2.555
 multiply_cannon                    708 13.6    0.069    0.249    2.175    2.455
 list_control                         6  4.8    0.011    0.011    1.880    2.387
 mp_waitall_1                     36771 16.7    1.898    2.336    1.898    2.336
 transfer_rs2pw_40                   47 12.0    0.386    0.616    2.220    2.252
 qmmm_force_with_gaussian_low         6  5.8    0.000    0.000    2.163    2.190
 scf_post_calculation_gpw             6  5.8    0.000    0.000    2.176    2.176
 write_available_results              6  6.8    0.000    0.000    2.176    2.176
 write_mo_free_results                6  7.8    0.340    0.517    2.175    2.176
 mp_max_d                             6  5.2    1.615    2.119    1.615    2.119
 lyp_lda_eval                        47 14.5    1.021    2.095    1.021    2.095
 make_m2s                          1416 13.6    0.010    0.010    1.877    2.064
 pw_to_cube                           2  8.5    1.450    1.633    1.836    2.061
 pw_poisson_rebuild                  59 10.4    0.000    0.000    1.982    2.018
 ps_wavelet_create                    1 12.0    0.000    0.000    1.982    2.018
 RS_z_slice_distribution              1 13.0    1.893    1.938    1.982    2.018
 qmmm_forces_gaussian_low_R           6  6.8    0.000    0.000    1.893    1.916
 qmmm_forces_with_gaussian_LR         6  7.8    1.893    1.916    1.893    1.916
 read_force_field_amber               1  5.0    0.002    0.002    1.851    1.887
 make_images                       1416 14.6    0.060    0.147    1.741    1.873
 connectivity_control                 2  4.0    0.000    0.000    1.822    1.824
 mp_alltoall_d45                     48 12.5    1.711    1.822    1.711    1.822
 qs_ot_get_derivative_taylor         41 12.9    0.001    0.001    1.803    1.821
 read_connectivity_amber              1  6.0    0.000    0.000    1.775    1.776
 mp_sum_l                          3747 12.4    1.395    1.766    1.395    1.766
 pw_copy                            462 10.8    1.477    1.667    1.477    1.667
 make_images_sizes                 1416 15.6    0.001    0.001    1.503    1.621
 mp_alltoall_i44                   1416 16.6    1.502    1.620    1.502    1.620
 multiply_cannon_loop               708 14.6    0.022    0.077    1.180    1.461
 transfer_pw2rs_10                  159 13.6    0.259    0.277    1.109    1.307
 rs_grid_zero                       130 13.4    0.966    1.304    0.966    1.304
 pw_copy_from_array_c               353 14.9    1.248    1.298    1.248    1.298
 parser_read_line                276885  7.6    0.052    0.054    1.058    1.106
 qs_ot_get_p                         47 10.6    0.000    0.000    0.862    1.055
 parser_read_line_low               288  8.5    0.038    0.240    1.006    1.054
 broadcast_input_information        288  9.5    0.130    0.137    0.968    1.029
 multiply_cannon_metrocomm3        2832 15.6    0.004    0.004    0.652    1.026
 pw_spline_scale_deriv               94 13.5    0.954    1.010    0.954    1.010
 integrate_v_core_rspace              6  7.8    0.008    0.024    0.885    0.984
 mp_allgather_i34                   708 14.6    0.886    0.974    0.886    0.974
 calculate_dm_sparse                 47  9.7    0.000    0.000    0.808    0.912
 mp_alltoall_i22                    251 13.3    0.839    0.911    0.839    0.911
 force_field_pack                     1  5.0    0.003    0.003    0.866    0.901
 scale_and_distribute                94 12.5    0.819    0.857    0.819    0.857
 force_nonbond                        6  4.8    0.599    0.820    0.599    0.820
 md_output                            5  3.0    0.000    0.000    0.473    0.813
 qs_init_subsys                       1  3.0    0.001    0.001    0.808    0.808
 qs_env_setup                         1  4.0    0.000    0.000    0.751    0.751
 qs_env_rebuild_pw_env               13  5.3    0.000    0.000    0.750    0.751
 pw_env_rebuild                       1  6.0    0.000    0.000    0.750    0.751
 mp_bcast_i_src                    1159 10.5    0.663    0.742    0.663    0.742
 pw_grid_setup                        6  6.8    0.000    0.000    0.734    0.734
 pw_grid_setup_internal               6  7.8    0.011    0.011    0.734    0.734
 coordinate_control                   1  5.0    0.001    0.001    0.716    0.719
 coordinate_control_READ_COORDI       1  6.0    0.000    0.000    0.716    0.718
 ot_diis_step                        41 11.9    0.001    0.001    0.693    0.693
 pw_grid_sort                         6  8.8    0.441    0.444    0.614    0.617
 dbcsr_new_transposed               287 13.5    0.002    0.003    0.516    0.611
 qs_ot_get_orbitals                  41 10.9    0.000    0.000    0.540    0.597
 write_restart                        5  4.0    0.021    0.340    0.457    0.562
 dbcsr_redistribute                  70 14.9    0.012    0.050    0.490    0.551
 dbcsr_dot_sd                       421 12.2    0.011    0.014    0.469    0.544
 read_coordinate_pdb                  1  7.0    0.391    0.394    0.534    0.535
 force_field_pack_splines             2  6.0    0.003    0.003    0.503    0.534
 pw_scale                           188 12.0    0.497    0.533    0.497    0.533
 spme_evaluate                        6  4.8    0.043    0.043    0.526    0.528
 get_nonbond_storage                  2  7.0    0.030    0.032    0.481    0.513
 write_coordinate_pdb                 1  5.0    0.031    0.495    0.031    0.495
 md_write_output                      6  3.8    0.002    0.022    0.031    0.486
 qmmm_elec_gaussian_low_G             6  6.8    0.381    0.483    0.381    0.483
 set_potparm_index                  382  8.0    0.064    0.065    0.451    0.480
 multiply_cannon_metrocomm1        2832 15.6    0.005    0.005    0.252    0.472
 write_trajectory                    24  4.8    0.002    0.032    0.029    0.463
 update_input                         1  5.0    0.000    0.000    0.436    0.452
 copy_dbcsr_to_fm                    58 10.3    0.001    0.001    0.334    0.432
 write_particle_coordinates           5  5.4    0.027    0.431    0.027    0.431
 multiply_cannon_multrec           2832 15.6    0.234    0.421    0.236    0.423
 topology_coordinate_pack             2  4.0    0.000    0.000    0.417    0.420
 init_genpot                        384  9.0    0.388    0.417    0.388    0.417
 cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply             16  9.6    0.000    0.000    0.331    0.415
 mp_file_write_all_chv                2  9.5    0.182    0.407    0.182    0.407
 transfer_rs2pw_10                  147 11.7    0.171    0.240    0.385    0.388
 make_basis_sm                        6  9.7    0.000    0.000    0.380    0.381
 topology_coordinate_pack_11          2  5.0    0.373    0.377    0.373    0.377
 apply_preconditioner_dbcsr          47 12.9    0.000    0.000    0.330    0.372
 apply_single                        47 13.9    0.000    0.000    0.330    0.372
 calculate_first_density_matrix       1  7.0    0.000    0.001    0.368    0.369
 rs_scatter_matrices                 53  9.9    0.016    0.127    0.317    0.365
 qs_create_task_list                  6  7.8    0.000    0.000    0.326    0.353
 generate_qs_task_list                6  8.8    0.016    0.021    0.326    0.353
 mp_max_l                            28  2.5    0.322    0.345    0.322    0.345

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 SUBROUTINE                       CALLS  ASD         SELF TIME        TOTAL TIME
                                MAXIMUM       AVERAGE  MAXIMUM  AVERAGE  MAXIMUM
 CP2K                                 1  1.0    0.084    0.099  346.833  346.851
 qs_mol_dyn_low                       1  2.0    0.004    0.005  339.048  339.361
 velocity_verlet                      5  3.0    0.007    0.007  279.883  279.912
 qs_forces                            6  3.8    0.001    0.001  256.044  256.057
 qs_energies                          6  4.8    0.000    0.000  232.638  232.650
 scf_env_do_scf                       6  5.8    0.000    0.000  217.443  217.454
 scf_env_do_scf_inner_loop           41  6.9    0.001    0.003  192.742  192.777
 rebuild_ks_matrix                   47  8.5    0.000    0.000  185.998  186.017
 qs_ks_build_kohn_sham_matrix        47  9.5    0.006    0.007  185.998  186.017
 qs_ks_update_qs_env                 47  7.9    0.000    0.000  162.849  162.868
 pw_transfer                        724 11.4    0.027    0.030  142.309  143.862
 fft_wrap_pw1pw2                    694 12.6    0.005    0.005  142.282  143.835
 fft_wrap_pw1pw2_160                294 13.3   15.768   16.141  133.187  134.779
 fft3d_ps                           694 14.6   74.549   76.944  110.950  112.517
 pw_poisson_solve                    53  9.9    3.797    3.895   99.787   99.792
 qs_rho_update_rho_low               47  8.0    0.000    0.000   60.887   60.924
 calculate_rho_elec                  47  9.0    0.531    0.545   60.886   60.924
 density_rs2pw                       47 10.0    0.003    0.003   53.879   54.901
 qmmm_forces                          6  3.8    0.009    0.009   43.806   43.808
 ps_wavelet_solve                    47 11.5   35.038   36.786   41.068   41.202
 qmmm_forces_with_gaussian            6  4.8    0.089    0.109   38.214   40.664
 qmmm_el_coupling                     6  3.8    0.000    0.000   34.954   36.896
 qmmm_elec_with_gaussian              6  4.8    0.059    0.062   34.895   36.864
 pw_restrict_s3                      24  5.8   13.106   14.053   32.572   35.033
 sum_up_and_integrate                47 10.5    0.001    0.001   34.623   34.750
 integrate_v_rspace                  47 11.5    0.001    0.002   34.043   34.205
 potential_pw2rs                     47 12.5    0.030    0.034   30.488   30.591
 qmmm_elec_with_gaussian:spline       6  5.8    0.000    0.000   26.620   28.569
 pw_prolongate_s3                    24  6.8   10.478   11.433   26.620   28.569
 init_scf_loop                        6  6.8    0.000    0.000   24.622   24.623
 pw_integral_ab                    4498  7.4   18.225   19.866   22.407   23.707
 mp_alltoall_z22v                   694 16.6   22.347   23.448   22.347   23.448
 qs_ks_update_qs_env_forces           6  4.8    0.000    0.000   23.157   23.158
 qs_vxc_create                       47 10.5    0.001    0.001   21.616   21.668
 xc_vxc_pw_create                    47 11.5    1.122    1.246   21.615   21.667
 mp_alltoall_d54                     47 12.5    3.585   19.859    3.585   19.859
 x_to_yz                            353 15.9    9.035    9.495   18.646   19.208
 yz_to_x                            341 15.2    5.008    5.154   17.745   18.445
 xc_rho_set_and_dset_create          47 12.5    3.613    3.878   12.432   14.508
 pw_nn_compose_r                    376 14.3    6.323    6.620   10.565   12.403
 xc_pw_derive                       282 13.5    0.001    0.001    8.092    9.818
 pw_zero                           3996  7.7    8.948    9.592    8.948    9.592
 mp_sum_d                          1485  8.4    8.302    9.429    8.302    9.429
 init_scf_run                         6  5.8    0.000    0.000    8.802    8.803
 scf_env_initial_rho_setup            6  6.8    0.000    0.000    8.802    8.803
 mp_waitany                        4480 13.3    7.714    8.770    7.714    8.770
 pw_axpy                           2626  7.8    7.548    8.146    7.548    8.146
 mp_sum_dm3                          36  5.8    7.385    7.992    7.385    7.992
 transfer_pw2rs                     259 12.8    0.002    0.002    7.649    7.828
 fft_wrap_pw1pw2_40                  94 14.2    0.559    0.604    7.179    7.525
 transfer_rs2pw                     247 10.8    0.002    0.003    6.471    7.449
 qmmm_env_create                      1  2.0    0.554    0.608    7.351    7.352
 wfi_extrapolate                      6  7.8    0.000    0.000    6.856    6.856
 xc_pw_divergence                    47 12.5    0.001    0.001    5.153    6.809
 pw_scatter_p                       353 14.9    5.698    6.240    5.698    6.240
 cp2k_distribution_to_z_slices       47 11.5    3.045    3.171    5.746    6.160
 pw_gather_p                        341 14.2    5.766    6.029    5.766    6.029
 transfer_rs2pw_160                  53 11.7    1.505    1.623    5.007    6.023
 grid_collocate_task_list            47 10.0    4.457    5.947    4.457    5.947
 fist_init                            1  3.0    0.000    0.000    5.876    5.877
 mp_sendrecv_dm2                    752 15.3    4.242    5.875    4.242    5.875
 transfer_pw2rs_160                  53 13.9    2.160    2.381    5.368    5.627
 xc_functional_eval                  94 13.5    0.001    0.001    2.852    4.765
 add_fine2coarse                     24  6.8    4.216    4.547    4.216    4.547
 add_coarse2fine                     24  7.8    4.088    4.132    4.088    4.132
 qs_energies_init_hamiltonians        6  5.8    0.000    0.000    4.050    4.051
 qs_env_update_s_mstruct              6  6.8    0.000    0.000    3.926    3.944
 mp_alltoall_d11v                   947 13.2    2.672    3.924    2.672    3.924
 fist_calc_energy_force               6  3.8    0.017    0.017    3.443    3.867
 rdparm_amber_8                       2  6.5    2.671    2.719    3.687    3.723
 calculate_rho_core                   6  7.8    0.074    0.088    3.433    3.691
 qmmm_elec_with_gaussian_low          6  5.8    0.000    0.000    3.047    3.678
 qmmm_calculate_energy               47 10.5    0.001    0.001    3.090    3.562
 topology_control                     1  4.0    0.001    0.010    3.074    3.533
 grid_integrate_task_list            47 12.5    1.967    3.432    1.967    3.432
 xc_pw_smooth                        94 13.0    0.001    0.001    2.859    3.358
 qmmm_elec_gaussian_low_R             6  6.8    0.000    0.000    2.674    3.310
 qmmm_elec_with_gaussian_LR           6  7.8    2.674    3.310    2.674    3.310
 mp_sum_dm                          940  4.8    2.477    3.084    2.477    3.084
 pw_copy_to_array_c                 341 14.2    2.486    2.872    2.486    2.872
 rs_gather_matrices                  47 12.5    0.014    0.051    1.551    2.856
 force_field_control                  1  4.0    0.000    0.000    2.757    2.815
 xb88_lda_eval                       47 14.5    1.841    2.771    1.841    2.771
 mp_max_i                           586  2.7    2.240    2.631    2.240    2.631
 scf_post_calculation_gpw             6  5.8    0.000    0.000    2.302    2.302
 write_available_results              6  6.8    0.000    0.000    2.301    2.301
 write_mo_free_results                6  7.8    0.412    0.619    2.301    2.301
 list_control                         6  4.8    0.011    0.011    1.948    2.284
 qmmm_force_with_gaussian_low         6  5.8    0.000    0.000    2.154    2.172
 pw_to_cube                           2  8.5    1.453    1.623    1.888    2.169
 fft_wrap_pw1pw2_10                 306 13.7    0.060    0.062    1.911    2.045
 pw_poisson_rebuild                  59 10.4    0.000    0.000    1.978    2.020
 ps_wavelet_create                    1 12.0    0.000    0.000    1.978    2.020
 RS_z_slice_distribution              1 13.0    1.893    1.945    1.978    2.020
 mp_max_d                             6  5.2    1.683    2.016    1.683    2.016
 lyp_lda_eval                        47 14.5    1.009    1.993    1.009    1.993
 dbcsr_multiply_generic             708 12.6    0.018    0.019    1.698    1.936
 read_force_field_amber               1  5.0    0.002    0.002    1.864    1.898
 qmmm_forces_gaussian_low_R           6  6.8    0.000    0.000    1.887    1.896
 qmmm_forces_with_gaussian_LR         6  7.8    1.887    1.896    1.887    1.896
 connectivity_control                 2  4.0    0.000    0.000    1.876    1.881
 mp_alltoall_d45                     48 12.5    1.712    1.829    1.712    1.829
 read_connectivity_amber              1  6.0    0.000    0.000    1.826    1.827
 transfer_pw2rs_40                   47 14.5    0.371    0.426    1.513    1.734
 qs_scf_new_mos                      41  7.9    0.000    0.000    1.523    1.555
 qs_scf_loop_do_ot                   41  8.9    0.000    0.000    1.523    1.554
 pw_copy                            462 10.8    1.420    1.535    1.420    1.535
 ot_scf_mini                         41  9.9    0.001    0.001    1.450    1.468
 transfer_rs2pw_40                   47 12.0    0.324    0.406    1.163    1.209
 pw_spline_scale_deriv               94 13.5    1.095    1.169    1.095    1.169
 parser_read_line                276885  7.6    0.053    0.054    1.076    1.139
 pw_copy_from_array_c               353 14.9    0.991    1.105    0.991    1.105
 ot_mini                             41 10.9    0.000    0.000    1.078    1.098
 parser_read_line_low               288  8.5    0.038    0.234    1.023    1.086
 rs_grid_zero                       130 13.4    0.938    1.072    0.938    1.072
 broadcast_input_information        288  9.5    0.134    0.140    0.985    1.061
 mp_waitall_1                     36771 16.7    0.842    0.974    0.842    0.974
 force_field_pack                     1  5.0    0.003    0.003    0.877    0.915
 multiply_cannon                    708 13.6    0.033    0.082    0.658    0.912
 qs_ot_get_derivative                41 11.9    0.000    0.000    0.881    0.901
 transfer_pw2rs_10                  159 13.6    0.264    0.336    0.767    0.869
 scale_and_distribute                94 12.5    0.818    0.856    0.818    0.856
 integrate_v_core_rspace              6  7.8    0.008    0.027    0.698    0.834
 qs_init_subsys                       1  3.0    0.001    0.001    0.812    0.812
 md_output                            5  3.0    0.000    0.000    0.472    0.804
 force_nonbond                        6  4.8    0.605    0.781    0.605    0.781
 qs_env_setup                         1  4.0    0.000    0.000    0.752    0.753
 qs_env_rebuild_pw_env               13  5.3    0.000    0.000    0.752    0.753
 pw_env_rebuild                       1  6.0    0.000    0.000    0.752    0.753
 pw_grid_setup                        6  6.8    0.000    0.000    0.736    0.736
 pw_grid_setup_internal               6  7.8    0.011    0.011    0.736    0.736
 mp_bcast_i_src                    1159 10.5    0.656    0.717    0.656    0.717
 coordinate_control                   1  5.0    0.001    0.001    0.711    0.714
 coordinate_control_READ_COORDI       1  6.0    0.000    0.000    0.710    0.713
 mp_alltoall_i22                    251 13.3    0.611    0.684    0.611    0.684
 qs_ot_get_derivative_taylor         41 12.9    0.001    0.001    0.638    0.662
 multiply_cannon_loop               708 14.6    0.017    0.039    0.472    0.653
 pw_grid_sort                         6  8.8    0.440    0.444    0.613    0.619
 make_m2s                          1416 13.6    0.010    0.010    0.544    0.583
 pw_scale                           188 12.0    0.494    0.581    0.494    0.581
 write_restart                        5  4.0    0.021    0.338    0.456    0.560
 force_field_pack_splines             2  6.0    0.003    0.003    0.513    0.549
 read_coordinate_pdb                  1  7.0    0.392    0.395    0.530    0.530
 qs_create_task_list                  6  7.8    0.000    0.000    0.489    0.528
 generate_qs_task_list                6  8.8    0.016    0.021    0.489    0.528
 get_nonbond_storage                  2  7.0    0.030    0.032    0.491    0.528
 make_images                       1416 14.6    0.034    0.051    0.457    0.499
 set_potparm_index                  382  8.0    0.064    0.066    0.461    0.496
 write_coordinate_pdb                 1  5.0    0.031    0.494    0.031    0.494
 distribute_tasks                     6  9.8    0.003    0.005    0.454    0.493
 mp_file_write_all_chv                2  9.5    0.211    0.492    0.211    0.492
 copy_dbcsr_to_fm                    58 10.3    0.001    0.001    0.449    0.490
 load_balance_distributed            12 10.8    0.000    0.000    0.446    0.486
 compute_load_list                   24 11.8    0.003    0.004    0.445    0.485
 get_current_loads                   84 11.8    0.001    0.001    0.444    0.484
 mp_alltoall_l                       90 12.7    0.443    0.483    0.443    0.483
 md_write_output                      6  3.8    0.001    0.017    0.031    0.481
 qmmm_elec_gaussian_low_G             6  6.8    0.374    0.467    0.374    0.467
 write_trajectory                    24  4.8    0.002    0.032    0.029    0.464
 update_input                         1  5.0    0.000    0.000    0.434    0.452
 cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply             16  9.6    0.000    0.000    0.433    0.440
 init_genpot                        384  9.0    0.398    0.432    0.398    0.432
 write_particle_coordinates           5  5.4    0.027    0.431    0.027    0.431
 topology_coordinate_pack             2  4.0    0.000    0.000    0.416    0.419
 mp_sum_l                          3747 12.4    0.359    0.396    0.359    0.396
 topology_coordinate_pack_11          2  5.0    0.372    0.375    0.372    0.375
 dbcsr_desymmetrize_deep             58 11.3    0.003    0.003    0.331    0.370

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