[CP2K-user] [CP2K:19239] Re: The force output of RETRAJ module under a r2scan functional is zero

Ari Paavo Seitsonen (apsi) ari.p.seitsonen at gmail.com
Sat Sep 9 21:34:23 UTC 2023

Hello Matthias et co,

  Thank you, it indeed seems to work - this was exactly the same problem 
that I asked for one week ago.

  Just one question: Why a new keyword, "EVAL_FORCES", has been introduced? 
Will the "EVAL_ENERGY_FORCES" be removed in the future? And was there a 
specific reason why the latter did not work since a long time? My test 
seems to indicate that both of them give the same output, with the present 

    Greetings from Paris,


Le jeudi 7 septembre 2023 à 15:50:49 UTC+2, Krack Matthias a écrit :

> Hi
> Add the keyword EVAL_FORCES to the &REFTRAJ section or use the latest CP2K 
> development version after PR2974 <https://github.com/cp2k/cp2k/pull/2974> 
> has been merged successfully. Alternatively, you can apply the same patch 
> to your local CP2K version.
> Matthias 
> *From: *cp... at googlegroups.com <cp... at googlegroups.com> on behalf of 
> Tianhua Wang <nju... at gmail.com>
> *Date: *Thursday, 7 September 2023 at 09:12
> *To: *cp2k <cp... at googlegroups.com>
> *Subject: *[CP2K:19225] Re: The force output of RETRAJ module under a 
> r2scan functional is zero
> In fact, according to my tests, this bug exists in almost all CP2K 
> versions later than 6.1, i.e., 7.1, 8.1, 8.2, 9.1, 2022.1, and 2023.2 (I 
> did not test 2023.1), for both SCAN and r2SCAN functionals. Instead, CP2K 
> 6.1 can output the forces normally. It seems to be a systemic problem.
> 在2023年9月7日星期四 UTC+8 11:20:17<qin li> 写道:
> The force output of the RETRAJ module works problematiclly in version 
> cp2k2022.1.
> qin li <flytomoo... at gmail.com> 于2023年9月7日周四 10:20写道:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to train a deep potential model of the MgCl2 solution based on 
> r2scan functional, where the positions and forces are needed. I employed 
> the r2scan functional to rerun the trajectory resulting from the BLYPD3 
> functional, but the force output of the RETRAJ module comes out to be all 
> zero. However, the RETRAJ module works fine for the BLYPD3 functional. Does 
> anyone have an idea of how to resolve this?
> The cp2k version is cp2k2022.1, inputs of the r2scan and force output are 
> as follows and the attachment:
> &XC
>     &MGGA_X_R2SCAN
>     &MGGA_C_R2SCAN
>   &XC_GRID
>     &EACH
>       MD 1
>     &END EACH
> -- 
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