[CP2K-user] [CP2K:18937] k-points vs. supercell approach

Léon Luntadila Lufungula Leon.luntadilalufungula at uantwerpen.be
Mon Jun 19 12:18:48 UTC 2023

Dear CP2K community,

I'm quite new to CP2K and I am trying to build my input files step-by-step 
to eventually do calculations on modified surfaces. Currently I'm still 
doing single point calculations on my bulk structure (anatase TiO2) to 
optimize the calculation parameters. I have already converged the values of 
the CUTOFF and REL_CUTOFF parameters and was now looking at comparing 
k-point sampling to gamma point calculations within the supercell approach. 

I was initially thinking about using the supercell approach as some things 
are not yet implemented for k-points, such as the OT method for example, 
but I noticed that supercell calculations are considerably slower than 
k-point calculations. I have attached the input and output files for both 
approaches for the largest cell/k-mesh I have used, which is 5x5x2. The 
k-point calculation only took 14.342s, whereas the supercell calculation 
took a whopping 649.442s...

So my question is if I should just continue with k-points sampling or if 
there is something wrong with my inputs which results in the large 
difference in calculation time? The k-point calculation also throws a 
warning "*** WARNING in cryssym.F:165 :: Symmetry library SPGLIB not 
available ***", but I also don't know if this may be the reason for the 
discrepency or if I may ignore this warning.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Kind regards,

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