[CP2K-user] [CP2K:19128] Calculation of lennard jonnes interaction parameter

Victor Volkov volkovskr at gmail.com
Wed Jul 19 15:57:15 UTC 2023

Dear Shamimul:
In 2011, I did receive an associate faculty post in Taiwan.
However since I rejected, am not a professor.
Since in April 2022 I filed a public antiwar to the top of Russian
since then I exist on my private savings.
With best wishes.

On Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 5:28 PM shamimul Ahsan <shamimul1234 at gmail.com>

> Thanks Prof Victor Volkov for your suggestion. I will follow your
> suggestion to solve my problem.
> With Regards
> Shamimul Ahsan
> On Friday, July 14, 2023 at 1:32:58 PM UTC+5:30 Victor Volkov wrote:
>> Hello, dear Ahsan.
>> I am not aware if CP2K has a devoted instrumentary.
>> For such a task,
>> I would prepare input files for geometries where distance between the two
>> atoms is systematically varied
>> to compute potential energies for the geometries using single point
>> After plotting the potential energies on distances,
>> if the suggested range of distances allows capturing the repel, the
>> binding and the dissociation,
>> I think one would need to write a fitting program for the Lennard-Jones
>> interaction to account sigma and epslon
>> in proper units.
>> Some time ago, I did this using Mathematica.
>> For point-like structural elements this works.
>> It becomes more "exciting" if you address interactions of larger systems.
>> Victor
>> On Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 6:42 AM shamimul Ahsan <shamim... at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear cp2k users,
>>> As I am new to cp2k, I want to know is it possible to calculate lennard
>>> jones interaction parameter (sigma, epslon) for pair of atoms using ab
>>> initio calculation by cp2k. If possible please suggest me how to proceed.
>>> With regards
>>> Shamimul Ahsan
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