[CP2K-user] [CP2K:19118] HARSHFELD charges on sodium chloride

Neha mehtaneha839 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 17 10:29:16 UTC 2023

Dear CP2K experts,

I was running single point calculation for  sodium chloride crystal with 
PBE functional with dispersion correction and DZVP-GTH basis set to find 
out the value of cutoff and relative cutoff. When i calculated the graph 
between cutoff and energy than it gave me some unexpected results. Then i 
tried to find out the reason behind it and in the process of doing this I 
calculated  HARSHFELD charges for the sodium and chlorine than it showed  
negative charges on sodium and positive charges on chlorine atoms. 
I am providing CP2K input and output file here. What can be possible reason 
and probable solution of this issue.

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