[CP2K-user] [CP2K:19101] No agreement between the LR and RT absorption spectra

Victor Volkov volkovskr at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 10:19:38 UTC 2023

Dear Natalia:
If I understand right, under the


you do not compute properties of UV optical transitions
but a dielectric response in the ground state.


On Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 11:55 AM Natalia K <natalja.lipina at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear community,
> I am calculating the absorption spectra for a silver chain using both
> linear response (TDDFPT) and real-time propagation implemented in CP2K 9.1.
> Within the RT propagation, I apply a delta kick in all three directions and
> then take the Fourier transform of the dipole moment and get the average
> (over three directions) spectrum that is in a very good agreement with the
> literature. In particular, with another GGA linear-response calculation
> with the Gaussian code (image attached, top - my results, bottom -
> reference). Within the TDDFPT approach, I calculate the oscillator strength
> which should give the same frequencies as the real-time approach, but it
> doesn't. In the figure attached, the oscillator strength is plotted with
> impulses. I tested many different parameters but LR never agrees with RT. I
> also tested a simpler system, a water molecule, and got a better agreement
> between the two methods, but still not as perfect as here, for instance:
> https://nwchemgit.github.io/RT-TDDFT.html#absorption-spectrum-of-water
> I would appreciate any help or suggestion. I attach both RT and LR input
> files used to obtain the results on the figure.
> Best regards,
> Natalia
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