[CP2K-user] [CP2K:18280] How to understand output of ATOM / pseudopotential optimization

Jürg Hutter hutter at chem.uzh.ch
Tue Jan 3 12:40:42 UTC 2023


1) Have a look at https://github.com/juerghutter/GTH for input examples.
     There you can find typical target values for orbital energies and weights for
     the different properties.
2) [x] means that this is either not considered or the target values has been reached.
     [50] % contribution to the functional value. This value depends on the error and weight of all
      target values
3) rhobeg : step size of initial search - large value means to start very coarse search
    function: function to be optimized (e.g. from the Cd PBE examples, we stopped at a value of 0.33)
4) There are many local minima and a full optimization requires many restarts and hand tuning
     of options. You need to build up some experience to efficiently handle this.



From: cp2k at googlegroups.com <cp2k at googlegroups.com> on behalf of Elvis <elvisnwh at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2022 4:50 PM
To: cp2k
Subject: [CP2K:18264] How to understand output of ATOM / pseudopotential optimization


I am trying to optimize a pseudopotential for Cd, but I am trying to understand the meaning of the output messages.

At the beginning, reference calculation was first performed on Cd, and the messages are self-explanatory (skipped and grayed below).

Then the optimization of Pseudopotential Parameters started and this is where I do not fully understand the output (blue below).

My questions are:

1. From Initial errors of target values, there are 8 rows, each with dE and dcharge. I assume that these are the errors of fitted energy and fitted electron density. Therefore, I will expect 8 or 16 target values to meet. But the message "Number of target values reached:   8 of  13" suggested that there are 13 targets, not 8 or 16, or 8+3 or 16+3 (due to three targets for wavefunction at R=0). May I know what the 13 targets are? What are the default criteria for these targets?

2. After the value of dE and dcharge, there is a [ ] with either a O, X or a number inside. e.g. 0.623818[99] or -0.058127[ 0]. What does this bracket value mean? Pass? Fail? If so, what does the number mean?

3.  "POWELL| Start optimization   1 of total   1               rhobeg =   0.50000000
       POWELL| Initial value of function                             740298.7081922793"
       What are rhobeg and the "function"?

4. The optimization will stop before max iterations has reached and before all target values are reached. Therefore, I am confused as to what determines the criteria for it to stop?

Really sorry for so many questions, and many thanks for your kind help. I also read the ppt by Saliang Ling but still struggle to understand the process of this.

Many thanks.


 ************************** Calculate Reference States *************************

 METHOD    | Restricted Kohn-Sham Calculation
 METHOD    | Relativistic Calculation using Douglas-Kroll 2nd order
 FUNCTIONAL| A. Becke, Phys. Rev. A 38, 3098 (1988) {LDA version}
 FUNCTIONAL| C. Lee, W. Yang, R.G. Parr, Phys. Rev. B, 37, 785 (1988) {LDA versi
 FUNCTIONAL| S. H. Vosko, L. Wilk and M. Nusair, Can. J. Phys. 58, 1200 (1980) {
 FUNCTIONAL| Dirac/Slater local exchange; parameter=  0.666 {LDA}

 Electronic structure
    Total number of core electrons                                          0.00
    Total number of valence electrons                                      48.00
    Total number of electrons                                              48.00
    Multiplicity                                                   not specified
    S      2.00  2.00  2.00  2.00  2.00
    P      6.00  6.00  6.00
    D     10.00 10.00

                  Iteration          Convergence                     Energy [au]
                          1         11.0710                   -5553.033251942199
                          2         9.98845                   -5568.470200394775
                         78        0.346994E-09               -5592.968730366133
                         79        0.193050E-09               -5592.968730366132

 Energy components [Hartree]           Total Energy ::        -5592.968730366132
                                        Band Energy ::        -3391.303995949936
                                     Kinetic Energy ::         6378.421633969732
                                   Potential Energy ::       -11971.390364335864
                                      Virial (-V/T) ::            1.876857795129
                                        Core Energy ::        -7706.975722448386
                                          XC Energy ::         -125.445473720284
                                     Coulomb Energy ::         2270.118666257022
                                 HF Exchange Energy ::          -30.666200454485
                                        Confinement ::            0.051371850047

 Orbital energies  State     L     Occupation   Energy[a.u.]          Energy[eV]

                       1     0          2.000    -975.295453       -26539.138941
                       2     0          2.000    -145.487814        -3958.924755
                       3     0          2.000     -27.394306         -745.436967
                       4     0          2.000      -4.057615         -110.413307
                       5     0          2.000      -0.225927           -6.147778
                       6     0          0.000       0.048603            1.322544
                       7     0          0.000       0.132323            3.600681

                       1     1          6.000    -130.622205        -3554.410964
                       2     1          6.000     -22.476618         -611.619880
                       3     1          6.000      -2.591536          -70.519289
                       4     1          0.000      -0.017937           -0.488096
                       5     1          0.000       0.088544            2.409405

                       1     2         10.000     -14.735017         -400.960196
                       2     2         10.000      -0.488944          -13.304855
                       3     2          0.000       0.084674            2.304104
                       4     2          0.000       0.151310            4.117349

 Total Electron Density at R=0:                                    359608.376288

 ********************* Optimize Pseudopotential Parameters *********************

 POWELL| Start optimization procedure

 POWELL| Total number of parameters in optimization                           17

 POWELL| Initial errors of target values

 Reference configuration          1               Method number                1
    L    N    Occupation      Eigenvalue [eV]           dE [eV]          dCharge
    0    1          2.00        -6.2171153633 VA  -0.069337[ 1]     0.005616[ 0]
    0    2          0.00         1.3168035255 U1  -0.005740[ X]     0.000097[ X]
    0    3          0.00         3.5930477832 U2  -0.007633[ X]     0.001484[ 0]
    1    1          0.00        -0.5462229340 U1  -0.058127[ 0]     0.009261[ X]
    1    2          0.00         2.3914339039 U2  -0.017971[ X]     0.000815[ 0]
    2    1         10.00       -12.6810374896 VA   0.623818[99]    -0.001745[ 0]
    2    2          0.00         2.3141070612 U1   0.010003[ X]    -0.002840[ X]
    2    3          0.00         4.1282451148 U2   0.010896[ X]    -0.002148[ 0]

 Number of target values reached:                                       8 of  13

 POWELL| Start optimization   1 of total   1               rhobeg =   0.50000000
 POWELL| Initial value of function                             740298.7081922793
 POWELL| Reached   1% of maximal function calls                 41120.1595559852
 POWELL| Reached   2% of maximal function calls                 41120.1595559852
 POWELL| Reached   3% of maximal function calls                 41120.1595559852
 POWELL| Reached   4% of maximal function calls                 41120.1595559852
 POWELL| Reached   5% of maximal function calls                 41120.1595559852
 POWELL| Reached   6% of maximal function calls                 41120.1595559852
 POWELL| Reached   7% of maximal function calls                 41120.0669873473
 POWELL| Reached   8% of maximal function calls                 41119.9831064879
 POWELL| Reached   9% of maximal function calls                 41119.8723220943
 POWELL| Reached  10% of maximal function calls                 41119.7673874507
 POWELL| Reached  11% of maximal function calls                 41119.6696953685
 POWELL| Reached  12% of maximal function calls                 41119.5897243914
 POWELL| Reached  13% of maximal function calls                 41119.5033784884
 POWELL| Reached  14% of maximal function calls                 41119.4436297677
 POWELL| Reached  15% of maximal function calls                 41119.3975932743
 POWELL| Reached  16% of maximal function calls                 41119.3195918762
 POWELL| Reached  17% of maximal function calls                 41119.2325561513
 POWELL| Reached  18% of maximal function calls                 41119.1288077132
 POWELL| Reached  19% of maximal function calls                 41119.0352172767
 POWELL| Reached  20% of maximal function calls                 41119.0129096710
 POWELL| RMS average of variables                                   0.1212678138
 POWELL| Number of function evaluations                                     1013
 POWELL| Final value of function                                41119.0129096710

 POWELL| Final errors of target values

 Reference configuration          1               Method number                1
    L    N    Occupation      Eigenvalue [eV]           dE [eV]          dCharge
    0    1          2.00        -6.0725948581 VA   0.075184[26]    -0.003391[ 0]
    0    2          0.00         1.3210658221 U1  -0.001478[ X]     0.001064[ X]
    0    3          0.00         3.5925745447 U2  -0.008106[ X]     0.000454[ 0]
    1    1          0.00        -0.5039255745 U1  -0.015830[ X]     0.001662[ X]
    1    2          0.00         2.3985479955 U2  -0.010857[ X]     0.000554[ 0]
    2    1         10.00       -13.4325992771 VA  -0.127744[74]     0.001469[ 0]
    2    2          0.00         2.2973778076 U1  -0.006726[ X]    -0.000473[ X]
    2    3          0.00         4.1092122101 U2  -0.008137[ X]    -0.000779[ 0]
    s-states N=    1                   Wavefunction at r=0:         0.002894[ 0]
    s-states N=    2                   Wavefunction at r=0:        -0.002251[ 0]
    s-states N=    3                   Wavefunction at r=0:        -0.002464[ 0]

 Number of target values reached:                                       9 of  13

                             NORMAL TERMINATION OF

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