[CP2K-user] [CP2K:17688] Re: Dealing with Fe2+ in cp2k

'Lukas Krieger' via cp2k cp2k at googlegroups.com
Thu Sep 15 09:29:17 UTC 2022

Hi, sure. 

mdsimula... at gmail.com schrieb am Mittwoch, 14. September 2022 um 18:12:25 

> Can you submit your input?
> On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 9:19:58 AM UTC-4 
> krieger... at googlemail.com wrote:
>> Dear all, I am a master student in physics and completely new to cp2k. I 
>> would like to perform an electronic structure calculation of heme in a 
>> quintuplet state (S=2). I then get the error "LSD: try to use a 
>> different multiplicity" and I assume that it is due to the fact that cp2k 
>> treats the Fe2+-ion in the centre of the heme group as a uncharged Fe-atom. 
>> Does someone know how to adjust the charge for the iron-ion and in worst 
>> case also the (partial) charges of the C, H, N and O-atoms inside the 
>> molecule so that cp2k takes the correct number of electrons?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Lukas

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