[CP2K-user] [CP2K:17479] how to get atomic energy and pressure from FORCE_EVAL/PROPERTIES

drac hahah barista1995li at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 03:51:25 UTC 2022

I'm trying to get atomic energy and pressure in a energy_force type 
calculation with PBE0 functionals. the scf iteration is perfectly done, but 
the 'CPASSERT failed' occur before the output of atomic energy. Does 
anybody have experience with it?  Please give me some advice. Thanks!

 SUM OF ATOMIC FORCES 0.00005771 -0.00000464 -0.00001195 0.00005911
Potential energy (Atomic): -1178.5987768198552 
Potential energy (Total) : -1276.4967518528154 
Difference : 97.8979750329602 

* ___ * 
* / \ * 
* [ABORT] * 
* \___/ CPASSERT failed * 
* | * 
* O/| * 
* /| | * 
* / \ force_env_methods.F:423 * 

===== Routine Calling Stack ===== 
1 CP2K


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