[CP2K-user] [CP2K:16892] CP2K 9.1 and GROMACS 2022 mdrun message

Moser Mario mosermauer at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 18:45:56 UTC 2022

 Hello dear cp2k users,
i managed to install cp2k interface with gromacs 2022 and i did some of the 
tutorials mdruns.

I get this message after a run was completed.(attached)
I still get the md.log, confout.gro, ener.edr, traj.trr, state_prev.cpt and 
state.cpt egfp-qmmm-spec_cp2k.out at the end of the simulation, im just 
curious why i get this messages at the end.

Also for some reason when i want to use nohup and & to run task in the 
background it doesn't work like : nohup mpirun -np 16 gmx_mpi_d mdrun -s 
x.tpr &
if i close the terminal it will stop running (im running this with cpu : 
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 v3 @ 2.60GHz)

Thank you for taking the time to read, looking forward for you comments.

Best regards. 


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