[CP2K-user] [CP2K:16862] CP2K to study ORR mechanism for MOFs

DMITRII Drugov dresearcher1991 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 16 02:13:06 UTC 2022

Dear Anton,

Thank you for your reply and valuable prospective on electronic state of 
Co-doped ZIF-8 system. 
I had to optimised Zn:Co ration to 9:1, so for that cell I used only 1 Co 
But I have to redo everything from the begging to build correct slabs. 
Do you think DOS profile will be the same for 011 and 001 terminated cell 
built from the same cif file?


On Friday, April 8, 2022 at 7:00:14 PM UTC+10 anton.s.l... at gmail.com wrote:

> Dear Dmitrii,
> чт, 7 квіт. 2022 р. о 16:22 DMITRII Drugov <dresear... at gmail.com> пише:
>> Therefore, I thought about which active site of the terminated surface I 
>> need to consider for adsorption of intermediates, metals or its ligands?
> I don't know which list of intermediates you are about to consider. I 
> think you should write the list according to the literature and the 
> chemical intuition, then think about which kinds of ZIF atoms and/or ions 
> could exhibit specific interactions with these species. It is possible that 
> separate preliminary calculations are necessary, I am not so familiar with 
> the field.
> Do you think to estimate the right multiplicity I need to consider the 
>> correct number of unpaired electrons for the whole Co-doped ZIF-8 unit cell?
> How many Co ions per unit cell do you model? I've seen 1 in the file, is 
> it true?
> Each of them can have either 3 or 1 unpaired electron, depending on the 
> ligand field strength (as I've told, you have to consult the literature to 
> figure out if Co(II) is low-spin or high-spin in this coordination 
> environment). If they are not involved in the strong antiferromagnetic 
> interaction [10.1098/rspa.1952.0181] (as you "dilute" your Co ions with 
> diamagnetic Zn2+, they are definitely are not), the final number of the 
> unpaired electrons is just a sum of their numbers at each Co2+ ion in the 
> cell.
> Relax multiplicity can give me a rough idea for this number?
> Yes. 
> Anton
> On Thu, Apr 7, 2022 at 7:32 PM Anton Lytvynenko <anton.s.l... at gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Dear Dmitrii,
>> пт, 1 квіт. 2022 р. о 16:09 DMITRII Drugov <dresear... at gmail.com> пише:
>>> I set up LSD and multiplicity 2 only because I directly create a slab 
>>> 011 from cif of zif-8 by Avogadro software.
>> It is not the correct way. Indeed, you need an odd number of electrons, 
>> but it does not mean that you may put any even multiplicity here. Co2+ in 
>> this coordination environment has an exact preferred multiplicity, you can 
>> deduce it from the literature -- just search for complexes of Co(II) with 
>> the same environment in literature or refer to the "Comprehensive 
>> Coordination Chemistry" book. I am out of the topic for some time, but I 
>> guess the multiplicity will be 4 (you should check it by yourself anyway). 
>> As you have only one Co ion per a pretty large cell, this should be enough 
>> (a few close paramagnetic ions would complicate the task sending you 
>> directly into the realm of magnetochemistry). Anyway, if in doubt or there 
>> is no data, please employ the relax_multiplicity feature of CP2k -- at 
>> least for a preliminary run to deduce the correct multiplicity.
>> Regarding the slabs, unfortunately I can't help here at the moment. To 
>> get CP2k working correctly, you definitely need to generate all atoms 
>> needed to form the slab (without gaps), all of them must be unique with 
>> respect to translations of the slab supercell and all bonds must be 
>> correctly terminated (either with explicitly declared atom or with a 
>> replica obtained by the translations). Maybe there is a program that does 
>> it correctly, but I am afraid some homebrew code will be needed, and I am 
>> unable to produce it immediately (despite I also need it for some other 
>> tasks).
>>> Do you think when I do reaction coordinate studies according to CHE 
>>> method, should I consider only metal as an absorption site or nitrogen atom 
>>> of imidazolium ligand as well? Ideally I would chose only one adsorption 
>>> center. 
>> What do you mean under CHE method?
>> Adsorption of what?
>> Yours,
>> Anton
>>> On Friday, April 1, 2022 at 10:46:11 PM UTC+10 anton.s.l... at gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Dmitrii,
>>>> how did you obtain the xyz? Did you just export it from CIF? It looks 
>>>> like it is full of disordered hydrogen atoms.
>>>> Are you sure?
>>>> What do you think I need to change for energy calculations, expect of 
>>>>> deeper EPS_SCF from 1.0E-6 to 1.0E-7 or -8?
>>>> I don't know. AFAIR, the default is 1e-5, I used to lower it to 1e-6, 
>>>> while 1.0e-7 resulted in very slow convergence (I mean that the calculation 
>>>> reached the residues of ca 1e-6 and then started to turning around it, 
>>>> until "accidentally" reached 1e-7 -- I guess that some other parameters are 
>>>> to be tuned to avoid numeric noise). Anyway, you always could check the 
>>>> consistency w.r.t. to the considered parameter by yourself. The key point 
>>>> in your case is to get rid of numeric noise in gradients -- you can assess 
>>>> it via observing the course of your geometry optimization (if you see some 
>>>> random moves around the equilibrium rather than smooth convergence to it, 
>>>> this might be the case).
>>>> Do I need to use spin polarisation for Co and Zn atoms when I calculate 
>>>>> adsorption energy for ORR reaction coordinate, or I can reach desirably 
>>>>> accuracy without it? My job is to compare different facets reactivity for 
>>>>> ORR.
>>>> I probably don't understand your question. If your system is 
>>>> paramagnetic, you have to use the spin-unrestricted formalism (LSD aka UKS) 
>>>> anyway.
>>>> I don't think the idea of crystallographic facets makes real sense in 
>>>> the case of MOFs. The active centers in the case of MOFs are either the 
>>>> metal ions with the coordinated atoms, or the fragments of ligands, these 
>>>> centers are unlikely to be affected if you change the facet.
>>>> Yours,
>>>> Anton
>>>> нд, 27 бер. 2022 р. о 08:47 DMITRII Drugov <dresear... at gmail.com> пише:
>>>>> Dear Anton,
>>>>> Thank you for your reply.
>>>>> I even did not think about low symmetry of MOFs. Thank you for this 
>>>>> point.
>>>>> I attach my input file below for cell_opt first, then I will do energy 
>>>>> calculation.
>>>>> Could you please have a look at my settings and express your opinion 
>>>>> on its accuracy?
>>>>> What do you think I need to change for energy calculations, expect of 
>>>>> deeper EPS_SCF from 1.0E-6 to 1.0E-7 or -8?
>>>>> Do I need to use spin polarisation for Co and Zn atoms when I 
>>>>> calculate adsorption energy for ORR reaction coordinate, or I can reach 
>>>>> desirably accuracy without it? My job is to compare different facets 
>>>>> reactivity for ORR.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Dmitrii
>>>>> &GLOBAL
>>>>>   PROJECT MOF_011_optimisation_larger_cell 
>>>>>   METHOD QS
>>>>>   &DFT
>>>>>     LSD
>>>>>     CHARGE 0
>>>>>     MULTIPLICITY 2
>>>>>     &MGRID
>>>>>       CUTOFF 800
>>>>>       NGRIDS 5
>>>>>       REL_CUTOFF 70
>>>>>     &END MGRID
>>>>>     &QS
>>>>>       EPS_DEFAULT 1.0E-14
>>>>>     &END QS
>>>>>    &SCF
>>>>>       SCF_GUESS ATOMIC
>>>>>       EPS_SCF 1.0E-6
>>>>>       MAX_SCF 300
>>>>>       &OT
>>>>>        MINIMIZER CG
>>>>>        # ENERGY_GAP 0.01
>>>>>        &END OT
>>>>>       &OUTER_SCF
>>>>>        EPS_SCF 1E-6
>>>>>        MAX_SCF 300
>>>>>       &END 
>>>>>       !ADDED_MOS 100
>>>>>       !&SMEAR ON
>>>>>        ! METHOD FERMI_DIRAC
>>>>>        ! ELECTRONIC_TEMPERATURE [K] 1000
>>>>>      ! &END SMEAR
>>>>>       !&MIXING
>>>>>         !ALPHA 0.4                
>>>>>         !NBROYDEN 8
>>>>>       !&END MIXING
>>>>>     &END SCF
>>>>>     &XC
>>>>>       &XC_FUNCTIONAL
>>>>>         &PBE
>>>>>         &END PBE
>>>>>       &END XC_FUNCTIONAL
>>>>>       &vdW_POTENTIAL
>>>>>              &PAIR_POTENTIAL
>>>>>                 PARAMETER_FILE_NAME dftd3.dat
>>>>>                        TYPE DFTD3
>>>>>                        REFERENCE_FUNCTIONAL PBE
>>>>>                        R_CUTOFF 8.0
>>>>>             &END PAIR_POTENTIAL
>>>>>      &END vdW_POTENTIAL
>>>>>     &END XC
>>>>>     SURF_DIP_DIR Z
>>>>>     &POISSON
>>>>>       PERIODIC xy
>>>>>     &END POISSON
>>>>>   &END DFT
>>>>>   &SUBSYS
>>>>>     &CELL
>>>>>       ABC 18.55406 16.35222 50
>>>>>       ALPHA_BETA_GAMMA 90.0 90.0 90.0
>>>>>       PERIODIC xy
>>>>>     &END CELL
>>>>>     &COORD
>>>>> C         2.69109      3.50908       2.31039
>>>>> C         2.69109      12.34314      2.31039
>>>>> C         0.51227      7.92611       3.89871
>>>>> N         5.94837      3.44592       0.26929
>>>>> N         1.20316      9.05092       3.62466
>>>>> N         1.20316      6.8013        3.62466
>>>>> N         5.94837      12.4063       0.26929
>>>>> C         6.87686      10.39498      0
>>>>> C         5.92646      4.78521       0.67203
>>>>> C         2.43496      8.59814       3.1409
>>>>> C         2.43496      7.25408       3.1409
>>>>> C         6.87686      5.45724       0
>>>>> C         5.92646      11.06701      0.67203
>>>>> H         7.0639       9.48822       0.08937
>>>>> H         5.34848      5.15102       1.30235
>>>>> H         3.13933      9.1391        2.86446
>>>>> H         3.13933      6.71312       2.86446
>>>>> H         7.0639       6.364         0.08937
>>>>> H         5.34848      10.7012       1.30235
>>>>> C         2.26139      4.168         1.04379
>>>>> C         2.26139      11.68422      1.04379
>>>>> H         1.56208      4.79832       1.23086
>>>>> H         2.83938      11.95708      0.32767
>>>>> H         1.56208      11.0539       1.23086
>>>>> H         2.83938      3.89514       0.32767
>>>>> H         3.00789      4.62555       0.65058
>>>>> H         2.30689      10.73099      1.14626
>>>>> H         3.00789      11.22667      0.65058
>>>>> H         2.30689      5.12123       1.14626
>>>>> H         1.93449      3.50312       0.43134
>>>>> H         1.35819      11.94159      0.83884
>>>>> H         1.93449      12.3491       0.43134
>>>>> H         1.35819      3.91063       0.83884
>>>>> O         5.79166      7.92611       2.27822
>>>>> Zn        4.81431      13.8838       0.89604
>>>>> Zn        0.60158      10.90496      3.87488
>>>>> C         6.93752      15.29816      2.4367
>>>>> C         0.69089      10.88113      6.85373
>>>>> N         3.68024      13.25705      2.37354
>>>>> N         2.08951      12.13224      3.49836
>>>>> N         0            11.15518      5.72892
>>>>> N         5.94837      15.36131      1.52279
>>>>> C         3.70215      13.65979      3.71283
>>>>> C         2.75175      12.98777      4.38486
>>>>> H         4.28013      14.29012      4.07864
>>>>> H         6.48928      15.85222      5.64074
>>>>> H         2.56471      13.07713      5.29162
>>>>> C         7.36722      14.03155      3.09562
>>>>> C         2.05244      10.27344      6.85373
>>>>> H         2.83938      15.81052      1.4644
>>>>> H         8.06653      14.21863      3.72594
>>>>> H         2.36587      10.18765      5.95054
>>>>> H         6.78923      13.31544      2.82276
>>>>> H         6.62072      13.63835      3.55317
>>>>> H         2.65402      10.83346      6.35805
>>>>> H         7.32172      14.13403      4.04885
>>>>> H         1.35819      15.82601      0.95323
>>>>> H         1.93449      15.4185       1.36074
>>>>> H         7.69412      13.4191       2.43074
>>>>> H         2.01537      9.40362       6.44622
>>>>> H         8.27042      13.82661      2.83825
>>>>> O         3.83695      15.26599      6.85373
>>>>> O         5.92646      12.31097      6.85373
>>>>> Co        0.60158      4.94726       3.87488
>>>>> Zn        4.81431      1.96842       0.89604
>>>>> C         6.93752      0.55406       2.4367
>>>>> C         0.69089      4.97109       6.85373
>>>>> N         2.08951      3.71998       3.49836
>>>>> N         3.68024      2.59517       2.37354
>>>>> N         5.94837      0.49091       1.52279
>>>>> N         0            4.69704       5.72892
>>>>> C         2.75175      2.86445       4.38486
>>>>> C         3.70215      2.19243       3.71283
>>>>> H         2.56471      2.77509       5.29162
>>>>> H         6.48928      0             5.64074
>>>>> H         4.28013      1.5621        4.07864
>>>>> C         7.36722      1.82067       3.09562
>>>>> C         2.05244      5.57878       6.85373
>>>>> H         2.83938      0.0417        1.4644
>>>>> H         6.78923      2.53678       2.82276
>>>>> H         2.36587      5.66457       5.95054
>>>>> H         8.06653      1.63359       3.72594
>>>>> H         7.32172      1.71819       4.04885
>>>>> H         2.65402      5.01876       6.35805
>>>>> H         6.62072      2.21387       3.55317
>>>>> H         1.93449      0.43372       1.36074
>>>>> H         1.35819      0.02621       0.95323
>>>>> H         8.27042      2.02561       2.83825
>>>>> H         2.01537      6.4486        6.44622
>>>>> H         7.69412      2.43312       2.43074
>>>>> O         3.83695      0.58623       6.85373
>>>>> O         5.92646      3.54125       6.85373
>>>>> C         17.36317     7.92611       3.89871
>>>>> N         15.96455     4.57074       2.6476
>>>>> N         14.37382     12.4063       1.52279
>>>>> N         15.96455     11.28148      2.6476
>>>>> N         14.37382     3.44592       1.52279
>>>>> N         18.05406     9.05092       3.62466
>>>>> N         18.05406     6.8013        3.62466
>>>>> C         15.30231     5.45724       1.79207
>>>>> C         14.35191     11.06701      1.12005
>>>>> C         15.30231     10.39498      1.79207
>>>>> C         14.35191     4.78521       1.12005
>>>>> H         15.48935     6.364         1.70271
>>>>> H         13.77393     10.7012       0.48972
>>>>> H         15.48935     9.48822       1.70271
>>>>> H         13.77393     5.15102       0.48972
>>>>> C         10.68684     11.68422      0.74829
>>>>> C         10.68684     4.168         0.74829
>>>>> C         16.00162     7.92611       4.5064
>>>>> H         9.98753      11.0539       0.56121
>>>>> H         11.26483     3.89514       1.4644
>>>>> H         15.68819     8.8293        4.59219
>>>>> H         15.68819     7.02292       4.59219
>>>>> H         9.98753      4.79832       0.56121
>>>>> H         11.26483     11.95708      1.4644
>>>>> H         11.43334     11.22667      1.14149
>>>>> H         10.73234     5.12123       0.64581
>>>>> H         15.40004     7.43043       3.94638
>>>>> H         15.40004     8.42179       3.94638
>>>>> H         11.43334     4.62555       1.14149
>>>>> H         10.73234     10.73099      0.64581
>>>>> H         10.35994     12.3491       1.36074
>>>>> H         9.78364      3.91063       0.95323
>>>>> H         16.03869     7.5186        5.37622
>>>>> H         16.03869     8.33362       5.37622
>>>>> H         10.35994     3.50312       1.36074
>>>>> H         9.78364      11.94159      0.95323
>>>>> O         12.1276      7.92611       2.46887
>>>>> Zn        13.23976     13.8838       0.89604
>>>>> Zn        17.45248     10.90496      3.87488
>>>>> C         15.36297     12.46945      2.4367
>>>>> C         11.11654     15.42446      2.31039
>>>>> C         17.54179     10.88113      6.85373
>>>>> N         14.37382     15.36131      0.26929
>>>>> N         10.51496     15.63536      3.49836
>>>>> N         16.8509      11.15518      5.72892
>>>>> N         12.10569     14.51055      2.37354
>>>>> C         11.1772      14.77984      4.38486
>>>>> C         15.6191      11.63894      6.1817
>>>>> C         12.1276      14.10781      3.71283
>>>>> H         10.99016     14.69047      5.29162
>>>>> H         14.91473     11.91538      5.64074
>>>>> H         12.70558     13.47749      4.07864
>>>>> C         15.79267     13.73605      3.09562
>>>>> H         15.21468     14.45217      2.82276
>>>>> H         16.49198     13.54898      3.72594
>>>>> H         11.26483     15.81052      0.32767
>>>>> H         15.74717     13.63358      4.04885
>>>>> H         15.04617     14.12926      3.55317
>>>>> H         16.69587     13.941        2.83825
>>>>> H         16.11957     14.3485       2.43074
>>>>> H         10.35994     15.4185       0.43134
>>>>> H         9.78364      15.82601      0.83884
>>>>> O         12.2624      12.50162      6.85373
>>>>> O         14.35191     15.45663      6.85373
>>>>> Zn        17.45248     4.94726       3.87488
>>>>> Zn        13.23976     1.96842       0.89604
>>>>> C         15.36297     3.38277       2.4367
>>>>> C         11.11654     0.42776       2.31039
>>>>> C         17.54179     4.97109       6.85373
>>>>> N         14.37382     0.49091       0.26929
>>>>> N         12.10569     1.34167       2.37354
>>>>> N         16.8509      4.69704       5.72892
>>>>> N         10.51496     0.21686       3.49836
>>>>> C         12.1276      1.74441       3.71283
>>>>> C         15.6191      4.21328       6.1817
>>>>> C         11.1772      1.07238       4.38486
>>>>> H         12.70558     2.37473       4.07864
>>>>> H         14.91473     3.93684       5.64074
>>>>> H         10.99016     1.16175       5.29162
>>>>> C         15.79267     2.11617       3.09562
>>>>> H         16.49198     2.30324       3.72594
>>>>> H         15.21468     1.40005       2.82276
>>>>> H         11.26483     0.0417        0.32767
>>>>> H         15.04617     1.72296       3.55317
>>>>> H         15.74717     2.21864       4.04885
>>>>> H         16.11957     1.50372       2.43074
>>>>> H         16.69587     1.91122       2.83825
>>>>> H         9.78364      0.02621       0.83884
>>>>> H         10.35994     0.43372       0.43134
>>>>> O         12.2624      3.3506        6.85373
>>>>> O         14.35191     0.39559       6.85373
>>>>>    &END COORD
>>>>>     &KIND Co 
>>>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q17
>>>>>     &END KIND
>>>>>     &KIND Zn 
>>>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q12
>>>>>     &END KIND
>>>>>     &KIND O
>>>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q6
>>>>>     &END KIND
>>>>>     &KIND C
>>>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q4
>>>>>     &END KIND
>>>>>     &KIND H                              
>>>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q1
>>>>>     &END KIND
>>>>>     &KIND N
>>>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q5
>>>>>     &END KIND
>>>>>    &END SUBSYS
>>>>> &MOTION
>>>>>   &GEO_OPT
>>>>>    MAX_ITER 300
>>>>>   &END GEO_OPT
>>>>>   &CELL_OPT
>>>>>     EXTERNAL_PRESSURE [bar] 0.0
>>>>>   &END
>>>>>  &END MOTION
>>>>> &END
>>>>> On Friday, March 25, 2022 at 8:32:42 PM UTC+10 anton.s.l... at gmail.com 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Dmitrii,
>>>>>> CP2k has implementation of k-points, but it could be incompatible 
>>>>>> with some methods and features.
>>>>>> But why do you need it? MOFs cells are typically large and have low 
>>>>>> symmetry.
>>>>>> Yours,
>>>>>> Anton
>>>>>> пт, 25 бер. 2022 р. о 10:38 DMITRII Drugov <dresear... at gmail.com> 
>>>>>> пише:
>>>>>>> Dear CP2K users, 
>>>>>>> Could you please share your thoughts on correct CP2K settings to 
>>>>>>> study oxygen reaction reaction on MOFs surface (186 atoms, C, H, O, N, Zn)? 
>>>>>>> I used to conduct similar job on Quantum Espresso for to study HER on 
>>>>>>> graphite slab (86 atoms) and it took ages to finish single energy 
>>>>>>> calculation with soft potentials (ecutrho =   0.4000000000d+03
>>>>>>>   ecutwfc =   0.5000000000d+02). According to my experience at gamma 
>>>>>>> point CP2K is much faster but I never added k-point mesh to CP2K.
>>>>>>> Could you please let me know what my CP2K should be? Does CP2K allow 
>>>>>>> to set up k-points for energy calculation? My system is a slab with vacuum 
>>>>>>> of 2*x or y in z dimension.
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Dmitrii
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