[CP2K-user] A question about running plumed together with cp2k

Hanzhe Zhang cpu... at gmail.com
Fri Jun 25 13:16:26 UTC 2021

Hello,  I also encountered the same problem as yours. Have you solved this 

Best wishes,
在2021年4月15日星期四 UTC+8 下午3:51:59<ter... at gmail.com> 写道:

> Dear users and developers,
>    I am running a dft-based metadynamics using cp2k and plumed. I follow 
> the instruction in the cp2k website to trigger the plumed interface, and 
> cp2k can successfully run together with plumed. However, the simulation 
> doesn't write the HILLS file after it was created. The HILLS file remains 
> vacant after 7000 timesteps (The stride I set to dump the gaussian hills is 
> 500). My question is whether anyone in the group also encountered this kind 
> of problem when running cp2k together with plumed. Does this means that 
> there are some problems in building the interface between cp2k and plumed?
> Best wishes,
> Hang LYU
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