[CP2K-user] Box movement in Adaptive Buffered Force QM/MM (AdBF-QM/MM)

niao cai 10751... at qq.com
Tue Apr 20 14:46:17 UTC 2021

Is this website(
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9kQhpI16-FudWhuUUxNT1AwQlE) valid?  I 
can't open.

在2017年2月23日星期四 UTC+8 下午4:15:42<Ivan Gladich> 写道:

> Dear all,
> I am trying to model some surfactants on a liquid water slab using 
> The system was pre-euilibrated using classical MD and I remove the CoM 
> movement using
> COMVEL_TOL  1.0E-10
> By the way, even after removing the CoM, the system experience some CoM 
> movement. 
> The trajectory looks like "shaking". 
> I placed the trajectory and the X,Y,Z-position of my QM atom (file 
>  Br_pos.dat) together with my input at 
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9kQhpI16-FudWhuUUxNT1AwQlE
> Is this something excepted in QMMM due to the way in which forces are 
> computed?
> I remember, but I not sure, that the code should try place the QM 
> dynamical region in order to avoid crossing with the PBC box.
> But again, not sure of that...
> Thank you for any possible help
> Ivan
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