[CP2K-user] needs advice to speed up hybrid/ADMM method

Nicholas Winner nwi... at berkeley.edu
Sun Sep 13 19:15:40 UTC 2020

You pointed out a key issue at the end of your post. "ERI's calculated on 
the fly" should ideally be zero. The reason is that the 4-center 
electron-repulsion integrals (ERIs) are geometric objects, and only need to 
be evaluated in the first SCF, provided you can store their results in 
memory. If you have enough memory for this, then the first SCF step will be 
long, but the subsequent SCF steps will be only slightly more expensive 
than a GGA calculation. 

Other than that there are two things I might note:
(1) If your system has a band-gap, you should use the OT method instead of 
standard matrix diagonalization, it scales quite well and has very nice 
convergence behavior.
(2) You say you have 120Gb of memory available for you calculation, but 
only 13Gb are consumed by your HFX module. Even with the rest of the cp2k 
program taking some memory, you should have a lot more memory left over for 
storing thee ERIs. Double check MAX_MEMORY is a reasonable value, it is the 
max amount of memory for *each* MPI task to use.
(3) Last thing that could be an issue is your auxiliary basis set, which 
ones are you using for this calculation? ADMM is so beneficial because you 
can use a smaller, aux basis, for the HF part of the calculation, but maybe 
your are using a large aux basis set? 

In general, ADMM calc should be much faster than the same calc in vasp 
using a primary basis set, so long as you don't make thee supercell too big.
On Sunday, September 13, 2020 at 11:42:55 AM UTC-7 ge... at gmail.com wrote:

> Dear CP2K users, 
> I would like benchmark  a small periodic system (11 A x 11 A x 11A)  using 
> HSE06 functional  with results obtained from VASP,
> Here is my input for DFT section:
>    &DFT
>       &MGRID
>          CUTOFF 320
>       &END MGRID
>       &QS
>          EPS_DEFAULT  1.0E-11
>          EPS_PGF_ORB  1.0E-14
>       &END QS
>       &SCF
>          EPS_SCF 1.0E-7
>          MAX_SCF 300
>          ADDED_MOS 100
>          &SMEAR  ON
>             METHOD FERMI_DIRAC
>             ELECTRONIC_TEMPERATURE [K] 300
>          &END SMEAR
>          &MIXING
>             ALPHA 0.2
>             BETA 1.5
>             NBROYDEN 8
>          &END MIXING
>       &END SCF
>       !&XC
>       !   &XC_FUNCTIONAL PBE
>       !   &END XC_FUNCTIONAL
>       !&END XC
>       &XC
>         &XC_FUNCTIONAL
>           &PBE
>             SCALE_X 0.0
>             SCALE_C 1.0
>           &END PBE
>           &XWPBE
>             SCALE_X -0.25
>             SCALE_X0 1.0
>             OMEGA 0.11
>           &END XWPBE
>         &HF
>           &SCREENING
>             EPS_SCHWARZ 1.0E-6
>             SCREEN_ON_INITIAL_P T
>           &END SCREENING
>             OMEGA 0.11
>           &MEMORY
>             MAX_MEMORY  4000
>             EPS_STORAGE_SCALING 0.1
>           &END MEMORY
>           FRACTION 0.25
>         &END HF
>       &END XC
>       &PRINT
>          &PDOS
>             FILENAME pdos
>             # print all projected DOS available:
>             NLUMO -1
>             # split the density by quantum number:
>             COMPONENTS
>          &END
>       &END PRINT
>    &END DFT
> The calculation restarted from a converged PBE wavefunction.
> However, I found that the calculation is quite "slow" ( Vasp needs 240 
> seconds for a SCF step, but CP2K needs almost 2400 seconds. Both of them 
> are carried out using a computing node with 24 cores and 120 G memory in 
> total). I understand it is not easy to compare the different software 
> because of very different setups, but I wound expect the ADMM method in 
> CP2K should be much faster.
> Below is the output.
>   Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total energy    
> Change
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   HFX_MEM_INFO| Est. max. program size before HFX [MiB]:                  
>    792
>  *** WARNING in hfx_types.F:1287 :: Periodic Hartree Fock calculation      
> ***
>  *** requested with use of a truncated or shortrange potential. The cutoff 
> ***
>  *** radius is larger than half the minimal cell dimension. This may lead  
> ***
>  *** to unphysical total energies. Reduce the cutoff radius in order to    
> ***
>  *** avoid possible problems.                                              
> ***
>   HFX_MEM_INFO| Number of cart. primitive ERI's calculated:      
>  11992558561508
>   HFX_MEM_INFO| Number of sph. ERI's calculated:                    
> 157558545566
>   HFX_MEM_INFO| Number of sph. ERI's stored in-core:                
>  16901607068
>   HFX_MEM_INFO| Number of sph. ERI's stored on disk:                      
>      0
>   HFX_MEM_INFO| Number of sph. ERI's calculated on the fly:          
> 91978901962
>   HFX_MEM_INFO| Total memory consumption ERI's RAM [MiB]:                  
> 13711
>   HFX_MEM_INFO| Whereof max-vals [MiB]:                                    
>   454
>   HFX_MEM_INFO| Total compression factor ERI's RAM:                        
>  9.41
>   HFX_MEM_INFO| Total memory consumption ERI's disk [MiB]:                
>      0
>   HFX_MEM_INFO| Total compression factor ERI's disk:                      
>   0.00
>   HFX_MEM_INFO| Size of density/Fock matrix [MiB]:                        
>     24
>   HFX_MEM_INFO| Size of buffers [MiB]:                                    
>     90
>   HFX_MEM_INFO| Number of periodic image cells considered:                
>    123
>   HFX_MEM_INFO| Est. max. program size after HFX  [MiB]:                  
>   3582
>      1 NoMix/Diag. 0.20E+00 6553.7     0.12989389     -3154.6382899197 
> -3.15E+03
>  *** WARNING in hfx_types.F:1287 :: Periodic Hartree Fock calculation      
> ***
>  *** requested with use of a truncated or shortrange potential. The cutoff 
> ***
>  *** radius is larger than half the minimal cell dimension. This may lead  
> ***
>  *** to unphysical total energies. Reduce the cutoff radius in order to    
> ***
>  *** avoid possible problems.                                              
> ***
>      2 Broy./Diag. 0.20E+00 2486.1     0.00624233     -3159.6346919624 
> -5.00E+00
>  *** WARNING in hfx_types.F:1287 :: Periodic Hartree Fock calculation      
> ***
>  *** requested with use of a truncated or shortrange potential. The cutoff 
> ***
> Is there anything wrong with my input that slows down the calculation?
> In particular, the " ERI's calculated on the fly" is not zero which seems 
> not good according to a slide from "
> https://mattatlincoln.github.io/talks/GhentWorkshop/?print-pdf#/"
> Thank you very much in advance
> Best Regards,
> Geng
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