[CP2K-user] Problem of Collective Variables

li bingxin bingxi... at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 10:29:23 UTC 2020

Dear CP2K users,

Recently I am learning Metadynamics and setting collective variables in 
CP2K. Following the exercise 
(https://www.cp2k.org/exercises:2015_cecam_tutorial:mtd1), I also wanted to 
set the distance between plane and point as a collective variable in my 
simulation. The setting content is as follows:

           TYPE GEO_CENTER
           ATOMS 52
           TYPE GEO_CENTER
           ATOMS 56
           TYPE GEO_CENTER
           ATOMS 60
           TYPE GEO_CENTER
           ATOMS 308
          ATOMS_PLANE 1 2 3
          ATOM_POINT 4
          PBC .TRUE.

The first three points refer to the defined plane (the index corresponds to 
the atomic index in the xyz file). The last point is the point in this CV. 
However, once the simulation is running, from the colvar.metadynlog file, 
the distance between the plane and the point is a negative value (around 
-19 Angstrom). The absolute distance between the point and the plane is 
supposed to be 10 Angstrom. Part of the metadynlog file is:

      0.00000000    -19.42924      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000     
      0.50000000    -19.43199      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000     
      1.00000000    -19.43482      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000     
      1.50000000    -19.43771      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000     
      2.00000000    -19.44067      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000     
      2.50000000    -19.44370      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000     
      3.00000000    -19.44680      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000     
      3.50000000    -19.44997      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000     
      4.00000000    -19.45320      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000     

I have attached the the xyz file in this email. Could anyone please help me 
on this problem?

I am looking forward to your reply.

Best Regards,
Bingxin Li
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