[CP2K-user] Geometry optimisation of organic molecule on fcc Au(111) slab

Marcella Iannuzzi marci... at gmail.com
Sun Nov 15 12:32:43 UTC 2020

Dear Dmitrii

The lateral dimension of a slab cannot be approximately large enough, but 
it has to be a multiple of the proper 2D lattice constant.
Moreover, 2 layers of a metallic slab are for sure not sufficient to 
reproduce the right electronic properties. For Au(111) the minimum would be 
4 layers.
This said, which type of motion do you expect? All Au atoms are frozen, and 
the molecule interact only weakly via dispersion forces. 

On Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 11:00:26 AM UTC+1 dre... at gmail.com 

> Good day, I run geometry optimisation of organic molecule on fcc Au(111) 
> slab with CP2K QS. Cutoff of 800 Ry and real_cutoff 70 Ry, smearing on, 
> dispersion correction with DFTD3 PBE, and poison  periodic xyz  with 
> wavelet solver. My cell dimension is 15.00000 15.00000 26.00000, whereas 
> size of Au slab is about 12*12*4 A. I froze all atoms atoms in list, and 
> allowed only organic molecule to be equilibrated with GC optimiser. My 
> system converged and completed optimisation, however my system did not move 
> much. I am concerned that I did smth wrong with setting for convergence or 
> periodicity. Could you please have a look at my files and give me feedback.
> Thank you,
> Dmitrii
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