[CP2K-user] [CP2K:13528] G3X3 and VIRTUAL_SITES

Alin Marin Elena alinm... at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 12:02:03 UTC 2020

Hi Pierre,

there are some example in tests/Fist/regtest-1-3/h2o-32-g3x3-mult.inp


Without Questions there are no Answers!
Dr. Alin Marin ELENA

On Wed, 17 Jun 2020 at 12:54, Pierre-André Cazade
<pierre.a... at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Azade,
> Thanks for your answer. The molname is defined in the PSF file, in the topology section. The molname seems to be identified correctly as it is present in the output file (attached) in the description of the topology.
> Regards,
> Pierre
> On Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 12:20:32 PM UTC+1, Azade Yazdan Yar wrote:
>> Hi Pierre,
>> I know some of the answers to your first question.
>> What you use in the ATOMS should be the index of atoms within that molecule. Constraints will be applied to all molecules with the same MOLNAME or MOLECULE number.
>> From your input file, I cannot see how the SWM4 molecules are defined in the coordinates section. You have to define the MOLNAME in that part as below (what I have as H2O, or MOLECULE 1). Note that if you use MOLECULE, it is the 'molecule kind number' and not molecule number.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Azade
>> &G3X3
>>        MOLECULE  1
>>        ATOMS  1..3
>>        DISTANCES     a b c
>>  &END G3X3
>> O    5.1692824047308950E+00    5.3185376653354242E+00    2.1483827179189252E+01 H2O 1
>> On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 12:41 PM Pierre-André Cazade <pie... at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear CP2K users,
>>> I am trying to use G3X3 constraints on my water molecules during a CELL_OPT motion. Needless to say, that it does not work. The "manual" is not very clear about the indexes that need to be provided. Should I use the index of the atoms in the coordinate file, for example 15761 15762 15763, or the indexes within the water molecule itself: 1 2 3. Does such constraint apply to all my water molecules provided they have the same molname "SWM4" or do I need an entry for each water molecule?
>>> What about VIRTUAL_SITES?
>>> Finally, the "CONTRAINT_INFO ON" section does not print a single information in the output to help me out.
>>> I attached my input file for clarity.
>>> Regards,
>>> Pierre
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