[CP2K-user] [CP2K:13516] Re: "Non-zero exit code detected." when compile cp2k 7.1

Anton S. Lytvynenko tenebrosu... at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 14:44:34 UTC 2020


12.06.20 16:01, Jiayu Sun SLE пише:
> I cannot figure out what I should do next, what's the meaning of these
> codes?

These codes report a successful installation of the necessary packages.

Besides some specific staff shipped together with CP2K, the program
relies on a number of additional common software necessary to build the
binaries -- namely, compilers, libraries, building systems etc. This
software comes from your distribution, but some of them are not
installed by default -- so, they are accessible from the repository, but
must be installed explicitly. That script (install_requirements.sh) just
forces your system to install missing packages (via APT manager, i.e. by
a conventional way employed in Ubuntu/Mint/Debian).

After that, you can return to install_cp2k_toolchain.sh script -- now it
should proceed without errors.


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