[CP2K-user] [CP2K:13497] Re: Install cp2k in Ubuntu.

Michael Banck mba... at gmx.net
Wed Jun 10 09:06:37 UTC 2020


On Tue, Jun 09, 2020 at 09:25:06AM -0700, Fabian Ducry wrote:
> There you can download cp2k-6.1 which is newer than the 2.1 you get from
> "get-apt install cp2k".

If you "apt-get install cp2k", you get the cp2k version for you Ubuntu
version; I am not aware of any recent Ubuntu version shipping cp2k-2.1,
but maybe that was a typo.

You can try to manually install other versions on your Ubuntu install,
but those are compiled for newer Ubuntu versions, so might not work.

There are no backports of current cp2k packages for older Ubuntu LTS or
Debian stable versions right now, and at least I don't have the time to
do that in some manual fashion.

> You can also install Debian packages, there a 7.1 package is available.

Yeah, that's a work-in-(long-)progress due to the libxc transition and
only available for experimental. I need to get back to this.


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