[CP2K-user] Problem with large CUTOFFs for non-local vdW functionals

Jan Elsner janel... at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 12:46:06 UTC 2020

Dear all, 

When I try to use a large CUTOFF (MGRID section) with non-local vdW 
functionals (I have tried optPBE, optB88 and vdW-DF2), the program seems 
unable to calculate the vdW energy and I get a CPASSERT failed error. For 
my particular system (periodic rubrene molecular crystal), the program runs 
fine with CUTOFF 1100 Ry, but fails for CUTOFF 1200 Ry. I note that the 
CUTOFF at which the program crashes is cell-size dependent e.g. if I use a 
smaller CELL_REF (or no CELL_REF), I can go to higher CUTOFFs before the 
program crashes. 

I attach input and output files using optPBE for the cases: (i) CUTOFF 1100 
Ry, run succeeds and (ii) CUTOFF 1200 Ry, run fails.

It would be great to know why these functionals cannot cope with large 

Best wishes, 

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