[CP2K-user] [CP2K:12815] SCAN convergence problems for charged systems
polla... at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 20:12:16 UTC 2020
You're combining a very large cutoff (1200 Ry) with a small rel_cutoff (40
Ry), which creates an unbalanced grid. Large cutoffs require a larger
rel_cutoff so the added points aren't just pushed to the coarsest grids.
count for grid 1: 89892 cutoff [a.u.]
600.00 # lots of points on fine grid, expensive
count for grid 2: 63191 cutoff [a.u.]
count for grid 3: 42699 cutoff [a.u.]
count for grid 4: 17703 cutoff [a.u.]
total gridlevel count : 213485
count for grid 1: 76679 cutoff [a.u.]
count for grid 2: 57951 cutoff [a.u.]
count for grid 3: 45900 cutoff [a.u.]
count for grid 4: 32955 cutoff [a.u.]
total gridlevel count : 213485
count for grid 1: 33765 cutoff [a.u.]
600.00 # too few points on fine grid
count for grid 2: 56127 cutoff [a.u.]
count for grid 3: 63191 cutoff [a.u.]
count for grid 4: 60402 cutoff [a.u.]
total gridlevel count : 213485
Simply switching to 800 Ry / 50 Ry (cutoff / rel_cutoff) or keeping your
initial 1200 Ry but using a rel_cutoff of 120 Ry leads to rapid convergence.
On Monday, January 27, 2020 at 2:27:42 PM UTC-4, Chris Ahart wrote:
> Dear Juerg,
> Thanks for your response.
> The 8x8x8 cell does indeed converge, giving an IP of 288.9 kcal in good
> agreement with the G12IP dataset SCAN value of 287.9 kcal (J. G.
> Brandenburg, J. E. Bates, J. Sun and J. P. Perdew, *Phys. Rev. B*, 2016,
> *94*, 17–19.). Reducing the cell dimensions is however problematic for
> other systems (e.g NH3, Cl2), as a cell small enough to give non-diverging
> SCF then has non-zero density at the cell edges. Increasing the multigrid
> cutoff appears to make this problem worse.
> I have also done some condensed phase tests on bulk iron oxides for
> polaron studies. Perhaps without any vacuum where the density becomes
> small, the charged state converges easily. However the resultant potential
> energy surface is very flat, with localised and delocalised polarons being
> energy degenerate (HSE and other methods predict small polarons). At least
> one other group has attempted to use SCAN with CP2K, and they found that
> SCAN performs even worse than LDA for describing solid gallium (R. C.
> Remsing, J. Sun, U. V. Waghmare and M. L. Klein, *Mol. Phys.*, 2018, *116*,
> 3372–3379). Combined with the knowledge that small charged systems can't
> converge for reasonable cell sizes, it looks like SCAN doesn't work very
> well with CP2K.
> Would you have any further advice, or does this seem like a methodological
> problem with SCAN and CP2K?
> Regards,
> Chris
> On Monday, 27 January 2020 13:17:16 UTC, jgh wrote:
>> Hi
>> I couldn't find a clear bug for this. My current best guess is
>> that the problem is related to the numerical instabilities
>> of the SCAN functional.
>> Molecules in large boxes have many grid points with small and
>> 'random' density/gradient values that cause problems.
>> Your special case works for me in a 8x8x8 box (instead of 10x10x10)!
>> regards
>> Juerg Hutter
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> Juerg Hutter Phone : ++41 44 635 4491
>> Institut für Chemie C FAX : ++41 44 635 6838
>> Universität Zürich E-mail: h... at chem.uzh.ch
>> Winterthurerstrasse 190
>> CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>> -----c... at googlegroups.com wrote: -----
>> To: "cp2k" <c... at googlegroups.com>
>> From: "Chris Ahart"
>> Sent by: c... at googlegroups.com
>> Date: 01/24/2020 04:45PM
>> Subject: [CP2K:12815] SCAN convergence problems for charged systems
>> Dear CP2K users,
>> I am attempting to use the SCAN functional from libXC 4.2.1 with CP2K 6,
>> performing some basic benchmark calculations from the G12IP dataset. While
>> SCAN converges well for neutrals systems, I am unable to get convergence
>> for a charged system.
>> I attach an example of the CH4 system (input and output for both neutral
>> and charged), where the neutral state converges within 20 steps while the
>> charged state immediately diverges. I have observed the same behaviour with
>> many other systems. I have also tried using LDA pseudopotentials as well as
>> the SCAN optimised pseudopotentials from github.com/juerghutter/GTH, in
>> addition to all electron calculations. I have confirmed that the same input
>> file converges with HF, and with PBE from both the CP2K implementation and
>> from libXC.
>> I have also found that the charged system converges when only the
>> correlation part of the SCAN functional is included, suggesting that the
>> problem may be related to the exchange part of the SCAN functional.
>> Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.
>> Regards,
>> Chris
>> --
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>> [attachment "charged.inp" removed by Jürg Hutter/at/UZH]
>> [attachment "charged.out" removed by Jürg Hutter/at/UZH]
>> [attachment "neutral.inp" removed by Jürg Hutter/at/UZH]
>> [attachment "neutral.out" removed by Jürg Hutter/at/UZH]
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