[CP2K-user] About new benchmark tests in v7.1 release

Ole Schütt o... at schuett.name
Fri Jan 3 10:34:38 UTC 2020

Hi Vitesse,

there isn't really an official benchmark suit for CP2K. Instead people 
usually assemble their own set of benchmarks that represent the workloads 
they care about.

That being said, a popular choice are the following three:

- H2O-1024

This is also what PRACE is currently using: 


On Monday, December 30, 2019 at 8:11:14 AM UTC+1, vitesse lin wrote:
> Dear all,
> In v7.1, I found 11 benchmark tests in this path 
> <https://github.com/cp2k/cp2k/tree/master/benchmarks>. 
> However, from the link <https://www.cp2k.org/performance>, I didn;t find 
> the related new results and there are only 5 test cases list in CP2K 
> official benchmark test suite.
> Which benchmark tests will be listed in CP2K official benchmark test 
> suite, we want to run the related tests in our environment.
> Thanks,
> Vitesse.
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