[CP2K-user] Problems When Running CP2K Tutorial
Tianshu Jiang
jts2t... at gmail.com
Tue Nov 19 06:26:25 UTC 2019
Hello everyone,
While running 3rd part of tutorial biochemical QMMM
<https://www.cp2k.org/howto:biochem_qmmm?s[]=biochemical> , program break
down due to the error "geometry wrong or emax_spline too small" .
In another discussion
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/cp2k/geometry$20wrong$20or$20emax_spline$20too$20small|sort:date/cp2k/tJSc9rm0ISk/_DmAFsQYBAAJ> ,
jgh suggested that we can either use a flexible water FF or add constraints.
I want to know where should constraints
should be added.
I have tried add
LIST 2132 2120
But there exists another problem.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
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