[CP2K-user] Density of State Calculation for graphite (DOS)

Nimali Rathnayake nimalira... at gmail.com
Fri May 31 01:12:17 UTC 2019

Dear Developers,

I am trying to do DOS calculations for graphite with d-space 3.35 angstrom
and this has 6 layers.

However, It gave a error which shows below.

 *   ___
 *  /   \
 * [ABORT]
 *  \___/    Cholesky decompose failed: the matrix is not positive definite
or *
 *    |                              ill-conditioned.
 *  O/|
 * /| |
 * / \
 fm/cp_fm_cholesky.F:94 *

Herewith, I have attached my input file for your reference. Can anyone
explain me the reason for this error and suggest a solution to solve this

I am very grateful for your help.
Thank you,

Best Regards,

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