[CP2K-user] Including DFT D3 Dispersion corrections into CP2K Calculation (CPASSERT failed message)

Stephen Vicchio svi... at g.clemson.edu
Mon Jul 8 20:15:11 UTC 2019


My name is Stephen, and I'm just starting to use CP2K with my research. I 
am looking to compare a calculation I performed in VASP with CP2K.  

I am currently trying to incorporate D3 dispersion corrections into my 
calculations, but I am receiving the following error message: 

 *   ___                                                                   
 *  /   \                                                                   
 * [ABORT]                                                                 
 *  \___/                             CPASSERT failed                       
 *    |                                                                     
 *  O/|                                                                     
 * /| |                                                                     
 * / \                                               
qs_dispersion_utils.F:123 *

 ===== Routine Calling Stack =====

            2 qs_init_subsys
            1 CP2K

I'm not sure where the calculation is failing. The script before was 
working fine, but as soon as I added into the vdW_POTENTIAL section the 
input script started producing the error. I think the probably is related 
to that specific portion of my .inp file. I've attached both the .inp and 
the .out file for viewing. 

Thanks for all the help! 

With much appreciation, 

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