[CP2K-user] ask for help : compile CP2K with CUDA 9.0 using lcoal_cuda file
lizzy bai
baili... at gmail.com
Wed Dec 25 11:58:46 UTC 2019
Hi Yang,
Thank you very much for your reply. I found I have compiled CP2K with CUDA
successfully. I only finished the compile with CPU bu using the local.psmp.
Now when I compile the CP2K using the local_cuda file.The error shown as
below. Could you find anything wrong with this error. Here I attached the
local_cuda file here.
Thank you very much for ant suggestion in advance .
Merry Christmas!
[image: error.jpg]
Liyi Bai
在 2019年12月24日星期二 UTC+9下午2:38:11,jt Yang写道:
> Hi, bai
> If you've compiled a CP2K with GPU supported, it should under
> "exe/local_cuda/",
> you should complie the codes with GPU option to get a GPU version, not
> just complie it on a GPU node.
> You can follow the official advices on CP2K's intallation instruction page,
> see what I've posted here may also make some helps.
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/cp2k/W8gKaspnqxo
> And also here which oschuett <https://github.com/oschuett> posted:
> https://github.com/cp2k/cp2k/issues/702
> May mean CP2K not support multi-GPU yet, so when you run it successfully
> at last, it will only run on one GPU, but you can still give a thumb up to
> the issue.
> Good luck,
> J.T.Yang
> On Friday, December 13, 2019 at 6:50:22 PM UTC+8, lizzy bai wrote:
>> Dear Users.
>> I have compiled the Cp2K on the GPU
>> The executable file generated in the /exe/local are shown in snapshot
>> below.
>> I can run the job by using command "mpirun -np 8 cp2k.psmp -i
>> example.inp -o out.txt". By following the command , the job only calculated
>> with cpu instead of GPU.
>> Does any know how to run with GPU ? Which CP2K execute file should I use?
>> Thank you very much in advance.
>> [image: WeChat Image_20191213192017.png]
>> Best Wishes
>> Liyi Bai
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