[CP2K-user] Difference between DZVP-MOLOPT-GTH and DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH-q18?

Stephen Vicchio svi... at g.clemson.edu
Wed Aug 28 18:00:07 UTC 2019


I am new to CP2K and still setting up my calculations. I noticed something 
the other day in the following talk that is confusing me (on slide 12): 

When selecting a MOLOPT basis set, is there a difference between Ni 
DZVP-MOLOPT-GTH and DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH-q18? The presentation mentions if I 
call DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH-q18 that there will be 18 valence electrons 
included in the pseudopotential; is that correct? If I call DZVP-MOLOPT-GTH 
there would be no valence electrons in the pseudopotential? I've tried 
searching online for an answer, but I haven't been able to find anything 

Also, I've read the original paper from VandeVondele and Hutter (2007). 
Does anyone have any other recommended readings on the MOLOPT basis sets? 

Thank you! 


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