[CP2K-user] problems with blas/lapack in the toolchain script

kazimieras tamoliunas k.tam... at gmail.com
Sat Aug 10 18:13:50 UTC 2019

 im trying to install CP2K on new machine and i'm getting error that i've 
never got before. I suppose i cannot overcome it by my own:

*ERROR: (./install_reflapack.sh, line 58) Non-zero exit code detected.*

*line 58:*

* make -j 1 lib blaslib > make.log 2>&1*

same with OpenBlas

*ERROR: (./install_openblas.sh, line 19) Non-zero exit code detected.*

*line 19:*

*case "$with_openblas" in*

Maybe anybody has any idea what kind of problem am i facing, cause now i 
cannot install any of them, though i need both. Thank you in advance!

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