[CP2K-user] [CP2K:10810] XC_HYB_MGGA_XC_WB97M_V functional in libxc
Stanislav Šimko
stanisl... at gmail.com
Sun Apr 28 19:28:00 UTC 2019
No problem. Actually, I'm slowly working on it a bit more because there are
some modifications for the wB97M-V settings, but there's not enough days in
a week and hours in a day.... That's also why I haven't submitted via repo.
On Sunday, April 28, 2019 at 9:21:29 PM UTC+2, Frederick Stein wrote:
> Dear Stanislav,
> Sorry for the delay. Thank you for your contribution. I included your
> patch, now.
> If you have contributions, it is easier to add them yourself. (see
> https://www.cp2k.org/dev:starting)
> Best regards.
> Frederick
> Am Dienstag, 9. Oktober 2018 10:10:15 UTC+2 schrieb Stanislav Šimko:
>> If anybody would like to try, here are the patch files for xc_libxc.F
>> and xc_libxc_wrap.F files that are in the cp2k/src/xc folder. You can apply
>> them from the xc folder like:
>> patch -p0 -i xc_libxc.F.patch
>> On Monday, October 8, 2018 at 1:10:18 PM UTC+2, Stanislav Šimko wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm using cp2k 6.1 r.18604, git version. I compiled it myself (after
>>> quite some struggle, probably because of problems with Intel
>>> compilers), with MKL 18.0.3 and gcc 5.2.0 (both installed by
>>> HPC admins).
>>> Also, to clarify on the (2) - SCF energy usually goes to huge values
>>> after this warning (always for the benzene-Ar system). My box size is now
>>> 31A for the benzene-Ar system (I tried up to 36A with no obvious success).
>>> I'm troubled by the huge/wrong energy in SCF that does not want to get
>>> reasonable not by the warning itself (see my partial logfile).
>>> Thank you!
>>> Regards,
>>> stanislav.
>>> On Monday, October 8, 2018 at 11:27:45 AM UTC+2, jgh wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> 1) Which version of CP2K are you using? This is an error
>>>> for an internal optimization. Should not appear in newer versions of
>>>> the code.
>>>> 2) This is a warning. Not serious if your molecule is in the center
>>>> of the box. If you enlarge the box the warning should disappear.
>>>> regards
>>>> Juerg Hutter
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Juerg Hutter Phone : ++41 44 635 4491
>>>> Institut für Chemie C FAX : ++41 44 635 6838
>>>> Universität Zürich E-mail: h... at chem.uzh.ch
>>>> Winterthurerstrasse 190
>>>> CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -----c... at googlegroups.com wrote: -----
>>>> To: "cp2k" <c... at googlegroups.com>
>>>> From: "Stanislav Šimko"
>>>> Sent by: c... at googlegroups.com
>>>> Date: 10/08/2018 10:37AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [CP2K:10810] XC_HYB_MGGA_XC_WB97M_V functional in libxc
>>>> Hello,
>>>> hopefully, someone will be able to help me further. As suggested, I'm
>>>> trying to reproduce Benzene-Ar interaction potential, as well as some water
>>>> dimers and some other things. When running with Ahlrichs-def2-QZVP basis,
>>>> results seem OK-ish but not convincing enough in my opinion. Therefore, I'm
>>>> now trying to get working (aug-)pc-3 basis set with the Benzene-Ar. My
>>>> setup does not work though. System energy is exploding during SCF. I get 2
>>>> warnings/errors:
>>>> 1) POWELL| Error in trust region
>>>> 2) *** WARNING in pw/ps_wavelet_methods.F:236 :: Density non-zero on
>>>> the ***
>>>> *** edges of the unit cell: wrong results in WAVELET solver
>>>> ***
>>>> I have no clue about the first one. Is it something related to math
>>>> libraries (MKL)?
>>>> The second one can be somewhat avoided when I increase cell size.
>>>> However, this does not work all the time and I'm using 30A box already.
>>>> Attached is my input.
>>>> Do you please have got any suggestions?
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> On Tuesday, October 2, 2018 at 2:56:13 PM UTC+2, Stanislav Šimko wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Thank you for suggestions. I'm already working on some comparisons with
>>>> what I hope could be the wB97M-V functional. Results are not perfect, but
>>>> they are not bad as well. I will try to report more soon.
>>>> On Tuesday, October 2, 2018 at 10:55:49 AM UTC+2, Frederick Stein
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am familiar with the related wB97X-functionals by Head-Gordon,
>>>> unfortunately not with those containing VV10 dispersion corrections like
>>>> wB97(M)-V. Your XC_FUNCTIONAL section is correct.
>>>> Use the following INTERACTION_POTENTIAL section
>>>> # Chose it a bit less than half the shortest
>>>> nearest-neighbour distance (i.e. cubic box with a=4 A, cutoff = 1.99 A; or
>>>> cp2k starts complaining)
>>>> # c_sr V_sr + V_lr = c_sr V_Coul+(1-c_sr) V_lr
>>>> SCALE_COULOMB 0.167 # Affects the scaling of the truncated
>>>> potential for periodic systems
>>>> # For non-periodic systems use MIX_CL instead
>>>> T_C_G_DATA t_c_g.dat
>>>> Finally, you miss the VDW-section to include the VV10 correction (See
>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/cp2k/wb97x%7Csort:date/cp2k/JEvnnfAEgPY/oryDShPd_w0J).
>>>> They used something like this
>>>> TYPE RVV10
>>>> PARAMETERS 6.3 0.0093
>>>> /path/to/your/VV10/table/rVV10_kernel_table.dat
>>>> CUTOFF 150
>>>> To my knowledge, cp2k provides only parameters for the rVV10 model, not
>>>> for the VV10 model. You should test wether the rVV10 parameters are
>>>> suitable. You might have a further look at the discussions to the wB97X-V
>>>> functional in this forum. (
>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/cp2k/wb97x%7Csort:date/cp2k/JEvnnfAEgPY/oryDShPd_w0J,
>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/cp2k/wb97x|sort:date/cp2k/VsG6j38wdwI/rsJYd0ZpBwAJ,
>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/cp2k/wb97x|sort:date/cp2k/le-ojRVXWa0/acojYhQ0AwAJ)
>>>> There are also some examples to test wB97X-V. According to the paper
>>>> where wB97M-V was published, you might try some of the databases or the
>>>> dissociation curve of this functional (benzene-argon-dimer) depending on
>>>> what you can afford. When I tested some functionals, dissociation curves
>>>> can be a good choice because the shape differs between different
>>>> functionals as well as optimal distances and bonding energies.
>>>> I think Juerg wrote in one of the mentioned threads that you should
>>>> test the different parts (DFT, HF, VV10) of the functional seperately.
>>>> Because there are different flavours of that functional (B97, wB97X,
>>>> wB97X-V, these functionals with different dispersion corrections), there
>>>> should not be a problem to find reference data.
>>>> regards
>>>> Frederick
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>>>> [attachment "4.xyz" removed by Jürg Hutter/at/UZH]
>>>> [attachment "4.in" removed by Jürg Hutter/at/UZH]
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