cp2k build intel compilers

Stanislav Šimko stanisl... at gmail.com
Sat Sep 15 23:33:29 UTC 2018

Well, it's unfortunately getting a lot messier. I got cp2k compiled on 2 
machines in the end, but I get bad results. On both machines, I use intel 
17.0.2 compilers. Results on both machines are different (and presumably 
wrong) from each other. I also compared results of the input file to 
results obtained by an older versions (4.1 compiled with gcc on one 
machine, 3.0 compiled with some intel compilers on the second machine; 
these two installations gave same results). All energies except the self 
energy is different:

  Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:              
  Self energy of the core charge distribution:              
  Core Hamiltonian energy:                                    
  Hartree energy:                                            
  Exchange-correlation energy:                              

  Total energy:                                              

  outer SCF iter =    1 RMS gradient =   0.00E+00 energy =      
  outer SCF loop converged in   1 iterations or   15 steps

 ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( QS ) energy (a.u.):            

wrong output files are attached. I'm now trying to find out how to test 
LIBINT, LIBXC, LIBXSMM and ELPA. Haven't had much luck yet.

Thank you for any suggestions.
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