LIBXC 4.0 support for CP2K-5.1 (Patch)
huy pham
pchu... at
Thu Feb 22 06:27:13 UTC 2018
Hi Andreas,
I think this post is very useful, especially for someone want to use some
newest functionals in libxc.
I have a problem when compiling cp2k following your guide. Please see the
error below.
mpifort -O0 -xHost -pc64 -unroll -heap-arrays 64
-I/home/chp071/Codes/install-libxc-4.0.4/include -L/home/chp071/lib
-L/home/chp071/Codes/cp2k-5.1/lib/Linux-ia64-intel_xc404/popt -o
/home/chp071/Codes/cp2k-5.1/exe/Linux-ia64-intel_xc404/cp2k.popt cp2k.o
-lcp2kstart -lcp2kmc -lcp2kswarm -lcp2kmotion -lcp2kthermostat -lcp2kemd
-lcp2ktmc -lcp2kmain -ldbcsrarnoldi -ldbcsrx -lcp2kshg_int -lcp2keri_mme
-lcp2kminimax -lcp2khfxbase -lcp2ksubsys -lcp2kxc -lcp2kao -lcp2kinput
-lcp2kpw -lcp2kfft -lcp2kdbcsr_tensor -ldbcsr -ldbcsrmm -ldbcsrops
-ldbcsrbblock -ldbcsrbdist -ldbcsrbase -ldbcsrdata -lmicsmm -lclsmm
-lcp2kacc -lcp2kaccmic -lcp2kaccopencl -lcp2kfm -lcp2kcommon -lcp2kmpiwrap
-lcp2kgrid -lcp2kbase /opt/fftw/3.3.4/intel/openmpi_ib/lib/libfftw3.a
-lpthread /home/chp071/Codes/install-libint-1.1.4/bin/lib/libderiv.a
ipo: warning #11060:
/home/chp071/Codes/cp2k-5.1/lib/Linux-ia64-intel_xc404/popt/libmicsmm.a is
an archive, but has no symbols (this can happen if ar is used where xiar is
ipo: warning #11060:
/home/chp071/Codes/cp2k-5.1/lib/Linux-ia64-intel_xc404/popt/libclsmm.a is
an archive, but has no symbols (this can happen if ar is used where xiar is
ipo: warning #11060:
is an archive, but has no symbols (this can happen if ar is used where xiar
is needed)
ipo: warning #11060:
is an archive, but has no symbols (this can happen if ar is used where xiar
is needed)
In function `xc_libxc_mp_libxc_lda_info_':
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x2ad): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x2c6): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x2f5): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x325): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x8da): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xb15): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xcc5): undefined reference to
In function `xc_libxc_mp_libxc_lsd_info_':
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xf77): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xf90): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xfbf): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xfef): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x15a4): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x17fe): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x19ae): undefined reference to
In function `xc_libxc_mp_libxc_lda_eval_':
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x1ee8): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x1f01): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x2739): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x2e0b): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x32b2): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x3b32): undefined reference to
In function `xc_libxc_mp_libxc_lsd_eval_':
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x40c4): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x40dd): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x512e): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x5e66): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x6d37): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x8493): undefined reference to
In function `xc_libxc_mp_libxc_lda_calc_':
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x85b3): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x85cc): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x8616): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x8700): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x8848): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x8988): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x8b26): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x8c60): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x8c9e): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x8e8c): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x8fed): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x92c0): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x94b2): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x970e): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x97dd): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x9ab3): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x9b30): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x9bb6): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x9c37): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x9f17): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x9f94): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xa067): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xa0e8): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xa603): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xa91f): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xad45): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xae4d): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xb2dd): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xb3cf): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xb502): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xbb87): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xbc79): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xbdf9): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xc544): undefined reference to
In function `xc_libxc_mp_libxc_lsd_calc_':
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xc607): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xc620): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xc66a): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xc7d9): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xc9a6): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xcbbd): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xce32): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xd0ad): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xd0da): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xd45b): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xd761): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xdd84): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xe098): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xe556): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xe614): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xeb4c): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xebb8): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xec2d): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xec9d): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xf7cb): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xf837): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xf8f9): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0xf969): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x10901): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x10e00): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x115f9): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x116df): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x11f42): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x12012): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x12123): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x13ac3): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x13b93): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x13cf1): undefined reference to
xc_libxc.f90:(.text+0x15770): undefined reference to
In function `xc_libxc_wrap_mp_xc_libxc_wrap_info_refs_':
xc_libxc_wrap.f90:(.text+0xb5): undefined reference to
xc_libxc_wrap.f90:(.text+0xe4): undefined reference to
xc_libxc_wrap.f90:(.text+0x144): undefined reference to
xc_libxc_wrap.f90:(.text+0x58a): undefined reference to
xc_libxc_wrap.f90:(.text+0x773): undefined reference to
In function `xc_libxc_wrap_mp_xc_libxc_wrap_functional_get_number_':
xc_libxc_wrap.f90:(.text+0xea0): undefined reference to
xc_libxc_wrap.f90:(.text+0xf01): undefined reference to
In function `xc_libxc_wrap_mp_xc_libxc_wrap_needs_laplace_':
xc_libxc_wrap.f90:(.text+0x1129): undefined reference to
xc_libxc_wrap.f90:(.text+0x113c): undefined reference to
xc_libxc_wrap.f90:(.text+0x1150): undefined reference to
xc_libxc_wrap.f90:(.text+0x1179): undefined reference to
In function `xc_libxc_wrap_mp_xc_libxc_wrap_functional_set_params_':
xc_libxc_wrap.f90:(.text+0x11fb): undefined reference to
xc_libxc_wrap.f90:(.text+0x139e): undefined reference to
xc_libxc_wrap.f90:(.text+0x160d): undefined reference to
make[3]: ***
[/home/chp071/Codes/cp2k-5.1/exe/Linux-ia64-intel_xc404/cp2k.popt] Error 1
make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [popt] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
It seems to me that there was a linking issue with the libxc, but I
couldn't figure out the problem. Could you please help me with this problem?
Below is my arch file:
LIBXC = /home/chp071/Codes/install-libxc-4.0.4
LIBINT = /home/chp071/Codes/install-libint-1.1.4/
FFTW3 = /opt/fftw/3.3.4/intel/openmpi_ib
MKLROOT = /opt/intel/composer_xe_2013_sp1.2.144/mkl
CC = icc
CPP = /lib/cpp
FC = mpifort -FR
FC_fixed = mpifort -FI
LD = mpifort
AR = /usr/bin/ar -r
CPPFLAGS = -C $(DFLAGS) -P -traditional -I$(LIBXC)/include
FCFLAGS = -O0 -xHost -pc64 -unroll -heap-arrays 64 -I$(LIBINT)/include
LDFLAGS = $(FCFLAGS) -L$(HOME)/lib -L$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64
-L$(LIBINT)/lib -L$(LIBXC)/lib
LDFLAGS_C = $(FCFLAGS) -L$(HOME)/lib -L$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64 -nofor_main
-L$(LIBINT)/lib -L$(LIBXC)/lib
FCFLAGS2 = $(DFLAGS) -O0 -heap-arrays 64 -fpp -free
LIBS = $(FFTW3)/lib/libfftw3.a \
$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a \
-Wl,--start-group $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.a \
$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_sequential.a \
-Wl,--end-group \
$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a \
OBJECTS_ARCHITECTURE = machine_intel.o
hfx_screening_methods.o: hfx_screening_methods.F
$(FC) -c $(FCFLAGS2) $<
On Tuesday, February 6, 2018 at 8:46:58 AM UTC-8, Andreas Glöss wrote:
> Dear CP2K users and developers,
> Since we got several requests for LIBXC-4.0 support for the current
> release of CP2K (5.1), a patch has been prepared (Thanks to Axel Kohlmeyer).
> You can fetch the patch directly from here:
> To apply the patch follow this procedure:
> - Download and compile LIBXC-4.0 (see eg.:
> - Checkout CP2K-5.1:
> svn checkout -r 18095 http://
> cp2k-5.1
> - Change directory:
> cd cp2k-5.1
> - Get patch:
> wget https://
> - Apply patch:
> patch -p 0 < patch_cp2k-5.1_libxc-4.0.4-support.diff
> - Adapt your ARCH-file:
> - Change the DFLAGS, eg.
> - Change LIBXCs include directory in CFLAGS and FCFLAGS, eg.
> CFLAGS += -I'/my_local_libxc4_installation/include'
> - Change LIBXCs library directory in LDFLAGS, eg.
> LDFLAGS += -L'/my_local_libxc4_installation/lib'
> Note, on some architectures this directory is called lib64.
> - Change LIBXCs interface in LIBS, eg.
> LIBS += -lxcf03 -lxc
> - Compile as usual ...
> Please note that this patch comes with some features and drawbacks listed
> below.
> Features:
> - &LIBXC section is repeatable.
> - Only one functional per &LIBXC section.
> - Optional PARAMETERS and SCALE keywords are private to the functional
> - formerly they could have been mixed.
> - A lot of bug-fixes and new functionals.
> Drawbacks:
> - New input is not backward compatible.
> To visualize the input changes, here is one example (first old, followed
> by new syntax):
> Best regards and hope this is useful to others,
> Andreas
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