Segmentation fault with gcc 7.2.0

Anton Kudelin archm... at
Wed Oct 25 11:37:10 UTC 2017

Dear Alfio,

I've found the point of the error. It is caused by libint linked 
dynamically, in the case of the static library segmentation fault is not 
being observed. It's a weird behaviour, but not critical. The psmp version 
passed all tests without errors.
Thank you very much for help!

Best Regards,
Anton K.

вторник, 24 октября 2017 г., 17:41:25 UTC+3 пользователь Alfio Lazzaro 
> OK, I see.
> Well, I used the toolchain too, requiring the GCC 7.2.
> These are the changes:
> 1) File scripts/checksums.sha256, add the line
> 0153a003d3b433459336a91610cca2995ee0fb3d71131bd72555f2231a6efcfc 
> *gcc-7.2.0.tar.gz
> 2) File scripts/, replace
> 6c6 
> < gcc_ver=${gcc_ver:-7.2.0} 
> --- 
> > gcc_ver=${gcc_ver:-6.3.0}
> Then you can run the toolchain script (I use ./ 
> --install-all)
> Let's if it works...
> Alfio
> Il giorno martedì 24 ottobre 2017 16:26:19 UTC+2, Anton Kudelin ha scritto:
>> It seems the "calc_screening_functions" routine causes segfault.
>> The use of OpenBLAS instead MKL isn't helping, switching to gcc 6 (which 
>> is in the toolchain) is resolving the problem.
>> One note: gcc 7.2 I use comes from the Arch Linux multilib repository.
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