Segmentation fault with gcc 7.2.0

Alfio Lazzaro alfio.... at
Tue Oct 24 14:41:24 UTC 2017

OK, I see.
Well, I used the toolchain too, requiring the GCC 7.2.
These are the changes:

1) File scripts/checksums.sha256, add the line

2) File scripts/, replace

< gcc_ver=${gcc_ver:-7.2.0} 
> gcc_ver=${gcc_ver:-6.3.0}

Then you can run the toolchain script (I use ./ 
Let's if it works...


Il giorno martedì 24 ottobre 2017 16:26:19 UTC+2, Anton Kudelin ha scritto:
> It seems the "calc_screening_functions" routine causes segfault.
> The use of OpenBLAS instead MKL isn't helping, switching to gcc 6 (which 
> is in the toolchain) is resolving the problem.
> One note: gcc 7.2 I use comes from the Arch Linux multilib repository.
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