Metadynamics Hills Output

Anthony Debellis adebe... at
Thu Mar 23 13:56:49 UTC 2017

Ok, so I can experiment with the common_iteration_levels value.

But, the more important issue is the spawning of hills.  I will try to make 
a run without MIN_DISP.

On Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 6:35:56 AM UTC-4, Marcella Iannuzzi wrote:

> Without more information it is hard to guess. 
> It is possible that actually your run is not spawning all the hills you 
> expect, you have set a MIN_DISP parameter.
> The file name of a print-out can keep track of the iteration level.
> The innermost iteration level in your case is probably SCF, then comes MD. 
> If you do not want to keep track of these iteration levels in the file 
> name you have to increase the value of the common_iteration_level.
> The best way to understand how it works is to try a couple of different 
> values and see what happens to the file name.
> You will see that the indexes labelling the MD step disappear, and the 
> print-out goes into the same file.
> regards
> marcella 
> On Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 11:09:01 PM UTC+1, Anthony Debellis wrote:
>> Dear Sirs,
>> I am running direct metadynamics with the following input section:
>>    &METADYN
>>    NT_HILLS 150
>>    MIN_NT_HILLS 50
>>    MIN_DISP 0.03
>>    WW 1.0e-3
>>       &METAVAR
>>       COLVAR 1
>>       SCALE 0.02
>>       &END METAVAR
>>       &METAVAR
>>       COLVAR 2
>>       SCALE 0.02
>>       &END METAVAR
>>    &PRINT
>>       &COLVAR
>>          &EACH
>>          MD 50
>>          &END
>>       &END COLVAR
>>       &HILLS
>>          &EACH
>>          MD 50
>>          &END
>>       &END HILLS
>>    &END PRINT
>> The run has produced a single COLVAR file but several HILLS files 
>> presently numbered from HILLS-1_150 to HILLS-1_600.  The .ener (and COLVAR) 
>> file shows that the run is active and presently at step 950.
>> My questions are:
>> Why has cp2k stopped creating HILLS files?
>> Should I not see HILLS files created AT LEAST every 150 (NT_HILLS) steps?
>> Furthermore, why are multiple HILLS files created rather than a single 
>> HILLS file as is the case for the COLVAR file?
>> Please help!
>> Regards,
>> Anthony
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