PSF file format. Contiguous molecule.

ganta.pra... at ganta.pra... at
Mon Dec 18 16:53:29 UTC 2017


Hi CP2K group,

I am trying to create a PSF file for ALOOH surface. I have a particular 
requirement that the psf file should have connections shown as in left 

I have created the PSF file, but CP2K shows error: 
CP2K requires molecules to be contiguous and we have detected a non *       
 * [ABORT]    contiguous one!! In particular a molecule defined from index 
(   *                                                                       
 *  \___/  1) to (   210) contains other molecules, not connected! 

My PSF file look like this: 

     256 !NATOM                                                             
       1 14   01   DIAS Al1  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0     
       2 14   01   DIAS Al2  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0     
       3 03   01   DIAS Al3  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0     
       4 03   01   DIAS Al4  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0     
       5 13   01   DIAS Al5  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0     
       6 13   01   DIAS Al6  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0     
       7 02   01   DIAS Al7  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0     
       8 02   01   DIAS Al8  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0     
       9 12   01   DIAS Al9  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0     
      10 12   01   DIAS Al1A YA     0.000000        0.0000           0     
      11 01   01   DIAS Al1B YA     0.000000        0.0000           0 

1) If it is same molecule, then in PSF file should SEGMENT ID should be 
defined exactly in a row? for instance

which format is correct for CP2K. See SEGMENT ID (second column).. Should 
each molecule be defined in a row or it can be expressed randomly?

 256 !NATOM                                                                 
       1 AA   01   DIAS Al1  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0     
       2 BB  01   DIAS Al4  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0       
       3 AA  01   DIAS Al3  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0       
       4 AA 01   DIAS Al2  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0       
       5 BB  01   DIAS Al5  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0      

 256 !NATOM                                                                 
       1 AA   01   DIAS Al1  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0     
       2 AA  01   DIAS Al2  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0       
       3 AA  01   DIAS Al3  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0       
       4 BB  01   DIAS Al4  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0       
       5 BB  01   DIAS Al5  YA     0.000000        0.0000           0      

2) In my current ALO(OH), except for the non-hydroxy oxygen everything are 
connected. I could create PSF connecting all atoms (easier to create for me 
compared to the PSF separating the non-hydroxy oxygen). Is there any easier 
way to define non-hydroxy oxygens as separate molecules, so that I can have 
1-3 VdW, EI.

Please let me know. Attached are my PSF, input and PDB files.
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