Frequency output for visualisation

Tobias Kraemer 161brun... at
Mon Sep 26 13:51:27 UTC 2016

Dear all,

I have run a vibrational analysis on an optimised structure, thereby 
keeping a number of atoms fixed through setting spatial constraints. This 
is essentially the idea of the Partial Hessian Vibrational Analysis (PHVA) 
approach. Now, I have realised that although the normal modes are printed 
in the output file, there is no molden-compatible file  
for visualisation of the modes (in particular important for verifying 
transition states). I have defined this in the input (also attached as 
file), and for a full vibrational analysis (i.e. no constraints) this works 
without problems. I always obtain this file. For various reasons, it would 
be very useful to output this file in any case. Could this be looked into 
by someone. 

Thanks for your comments




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