CP2K energy very different from Gaussian03

Megha Anand meghaan... at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 19:22:59 UTC 2016

Thank you Matt and Davide! I will try your suggestions and hope to get more 
from the experts.

Best regards,

On Monday, September 5, 2016 at 1:35:07 PM UTC-4, Matt W wrote:
> Hi,
> you certainly should get a similar number for the observable reaction 
> energy Fe + S -> FeS. 
> But the energies of the individual species will be different. Potentially 
> totally different if using different pseudopotentials. So just looking at 
> the Fe atom energy is not a good idea.
> On an actual CP2K note your basis set is too small - change SZV to DZVP 
> for something OK. 
> As David T says, best to compare like with like where possible, PADE 
> functional in CP2K is LDA, so probably like SVWN keywords for exchange 
> correlation in Gaussian for comparison.
> Matt
> On Monday, September 5, 2016 at 6:03:07 PM UTC+1, Megha Anand wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I am pretty new to CP2K and still learning the basics of the program. I 
>> want to get the energy of the energy of the reaction: Fe(g) + S(g) -> 
>> FeS(g). To begin with, I simply did single point calculation of iron atom 
>> using Gaussian03 and CP2K. Browsing through the previous posts, I figured 
>> out that the ECP basis sets used by most quantum chemists cannot be used in 
>> CP2K. Even if I use different level of theory and basis sets across the two 
>> programs, I would anticipate roughly similar energies if not exactly same. 
>> I used basis set B3LYP/SDD in Gaussian03 and SZV-MOLOPT-SR-GTH in CP2K. The 
>> energies I get from Gaussian is: -123.85372 while in CP2K: 
>> -19.96605887771384. Even if the two programs results in two spin states I 
>> would not expect such large different. 
>> I do not know what I am doing wrong. Any help will be greatly 
>> appreciated. I have included the input below. Apart from these, I have few 
>> more general questions:
>> (a) Is there any recommended combination of pseudopotential and basis set 
>> for complex compounds containing metal iron. There are also: carbon, 
>> oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen in the system.
>> (b) Should I use GPW or do all electron calculation using GAPW. I would 
>> have used ECP basis set, if I had to use Gaussian03. But I am not sure what 
>> is right way proceed with CP2K.
>> (c) Any suggestion for the functional available in CP2K for studying iron 
>> complexes of high spin multiplicity. 
>> (d) I saw ECP_POTENTIALS file on CP2K Github, is it possible to use ECPs 
>> like SDD, LANL2DZ, etc. in CP2K.
>> Here is my CP2K input:
>>   WALLTIME 86400
>>   METHOD Quickstep
>>   &DFT
>>     BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME /share/apps/cp2k/cp2k/tests/QS/BASIS_MOLOPT
>>     POTENTIAL_FILE_NAME /share/apps/cp2k/cp2k/tests/QS/GTH_POTENTIALS
>>     CHARGE 0
>>     UKS T
>>     &MGRID
>>       CUTOFF 400
>>       REL_CUTOFF 60
>>     &END MGRID
>>     &QS
>>       METHOD GPW
>>       EPS_DEFAULT 1.0E-12
>>     &END QS
>>     &SCF
>>       MAX_SCF 500
>>       &OUTER_SCF
>>         EPS_SCF 1.0E-6
>>         MAX_SCF 60
>>       &END OUTER_SCF
>>     &END SCF
>>     &POISSON
>>     &XC
>>     &END XC
>>   &END DFT
>>   &SUBSYS
>>     &CELL
>>       ABC 7.00 7.00 7.00
>>     &END CELL
>>     &COORD
>>       Fe    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
>>     &END COORD
>>     &KIND Fe
>>     &END KIND
>> Thanks,
>> Megha
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