[CP2K:7613] cp2k 3.0 H2O-64 benchmark on small cluster

Vladimir Stegailov steg... at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 19:30:10 UTC 2016


we have recently compared the H2O benchmark results for different platforms
in terms of their peak performace (the paper is attached, see fig.1). The
"last step timings" have been considered.

I have put your data on the plot (attached) for comparison with the 64 H2O

If I use 4 flops/cycle/core then your "last step" data follow pretty well
the results for our old K-100 cluster based on Intel Xeon X5670 and the
data for Cray XT3 and Cray XT5.

However as I understand you have E5-2665 Xeon CPUs with AVX and give 8
For the corresponding Rpeak values your "last step" times are too high.
Perhaps I am missing here some details of your OpenMP tuning.


On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 7:50 PM, Cohen, Ronald <rco... at carnegiescience.edu>

> Attached are my benchmark results. Do you think this could be further
> improved? The machine is 40 nodes (n001-n040) with 16proc/ node = 640
> Intel® Xeon® E5 Cloud Ready 2.4 GHz Compute Processor Cores based on
> E5-2665 544GB DDR3 1600Mhz ECC REG System Memory 1GB Memory Per Compute
> Processor Core 4x FDR infiniband Mellanox. Best performance is for  4
> threads 16  mpi processes and 4 nodes, speedup of ~32 .
> My archfile is
> CC   = gcc
> CPP  =
> FC   = mpif90
> LD   = mpif90
> AR   = ar -r
> PREFIX   = /home/rcohen
> FFTW_INC   = $(PREFIX)/include
> FFTW_LIB   = $(PREFIX)/lib
> LIBINT_INC = $(PREFIX)/include
> LIBXC_INC  = $(PREFIX)/include
> LIBXC_LIB  = $(PREFIX)/lib
> GCC_LIB = $(PREFIX)/gcc-trunk/lib
> GCC_LIB64  = $(PREFIX)/gcc-trunk/lib64
> GCC_INC = $(PREFIX)/gcc-trunk/include
>     -D__parallel -D__SCALAPACK -D__HAS_smm_dnn -D__ELPA3
> FCFLAGS = $(DFLAGS) -O2 -ffast-math -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none\
>     -fopenmp -ftree-vectorize -funroll-loops\
>     -mtune=native  \
>      -I$(FFTW_INC) -I$(LIBINT_INC) -I$(LIBXC_INC) -I$(MKLROOT)/include \
>      -I$(GCC_INC) -I$(PREFIX)/include/elpa_openmp-2015.11.001/modules
> LIBS    =  \
>     $(PREFIX)/lib/libscalapack.a
> $(PREFIX)/lib/libsmm_dnn_sandybridge-2015-11-10.a \
>     $(FFTW_LIB)/libfftw3.a\
>     $(FFTW_LIB)/libfftw3_threads.a\
>     $(LIBXC_LIB)/libxcf90.a\
>     $(LIBXC_LIB)/libxc.a\
>     $(PREFIX)/lib/liblapack.a  $(PREFIX)/lib/libtmglib.a
> $(PREFIX)/lib/libgomp.a  \
>     $(PREFIX)/lib/libderiv.a $(PREFIX)/lib/libint.a  -lelpa_openmp -lgomp
> -lopenblas
> LDFLAGS = $(FCFLAGS)  -L$(GCC_LIB64) -L$(GCC_LIB) -static-libgfortran
> -L$(PREFIX)/lib
> gcc is 6.0.0
> gfortran
> openmpi 1.10.2
> scalapack 2.0.2
> elpa-2015.11.001
> libint 1.1.5 (I tried libint 2.0.3 but seems to be missing derivs)
> libxc 2.2.2
> openblas xianyi-OpenBLAS-c679dd1
> mm_dnn_sandybridge-2015-11-10
> fftw 3.3.4
> [image: Inline image 1]
> Speedup total is for the whole benchmark, setup plus 30 timesteps.
> Speedup step is for the time for the last time step.
> 64 Molecules H2O FPMD NVT within LDA
> ---
> Ronald Cohen
> Geophysical Laboratory
> Carnegie Institution
> 5251 Broad Branch Rd., N.W.
> Washington, D.C. 20015
> rco... at carnegiescience.edu
> office: 202-478-8937
> skype: ronaldcohen
> https://twitter.com/recohen3
> https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=163327727
> --
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