Problem with ssh when try to run cp2k in hybrid

TheShabbyblue ddd... at
Thu Aug 11 21:07:03 UTC 2016

When I try to analyze cp2k with amplxe-cl and mic 
/opt/intel/impi_latest/intel64/bin/mpiexec.hydra   -host hostname -n 1 /opt/
intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_2016.2.0.444464/bin64/amplxe-cl  -collect hotspots 
-r r004hs  -- ssh hostname-mic0

I get the following error :
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be 
preloaded: ignored.
could not open any host key
ssh_keysign: no reply
key_sign failed

I know that I need to set passwordless ssh but I don`t have root access and 
I suspect that maybe the error is somewhere else.
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