MM energy blow up after 2 steps although Geo opt works in QMMM

ghislain.m... at ghislain.m... at
Sat May 2 19:22:16 UTC 2015

Hi all, 

I have a iron(III) atom with its 6 coordinated water molecules (QM region) 
surrounded by 2141 MM water molecules. I started with a geometry 
optimization at the QM/MM level and that goes well (although only 1.5 
charge is localised on the iron). I then start a MD run and things get 
messy. The error is about one QM atom (the iron) being too close to a MM 
atom. Then the MM energies go to the roof, I have NaN gradient and 
evrything crashes. I don't understand how this works. First there are the 
QM waters and other MM water molecules between the two "too close" atoms so 
I don't think it's not a "real" geometry problem. I have tried to change 
the size of the QM box, make the QM electrostatics periodic (initially set 
to none periodic), try MT and multipole for the non periodic Psolver, 
change the number of gaussian in GEEP_LIB, use 1 grid .. Nothing seems to 
work. I have notice that the partial charge on the iron atom changes quite 
a lot between 2 steps and when it's close to 0, the MM potential becomes 
huge. I don't know why this is so however, and even if my iron goes 
neutral, it should not fly into a MM water ...

1st step 


 #  Atom  Element  Kind  Atomic population (alpha,beta)   Net charge  Spin 
       1     Fe       1          9.185313     5.416885     1.397803     
       2     O        2          3.479264     3.199820    -0.679084     
       3     O        2          3.454824     3.180460    -0.635284     
       4     O        2          3.431022     3.274684    -0.705706     
       5     O        2          3.463094     3.224418    -0.687511     
       6     O        2          3.426629     3.272281    -0.698910     
       7     O        2          3.412406     3.254903    -0.667308     
       8     H        3          0.242603     0.240340     0.517057     
       9     H        3          0.246114     0.251097     0.502789    
      10     H        3          0.251669     0.257771     0.490560    
      11     H        3          0.245008     0.247299     0.507693    
      12     H        3          0.266848     0.270467     0.462684    
      13     H        3          0.266236     0.272343     0.461420    
      14     H        3          0.258389     0.257856     0.483755     
      15     H        3          0.268412     0.266475     0.465113     
      16     H        3          0.271005     0.274766     0.454229    
      17     H        3          0.273854     0.272849     0.453298     
      18     H        3          0.273299     0.277448     0.449253    
      19     H        3          0.284011     0.287840     0.428148    
 # Total charge and spin        33.000000    28.000000     3.000000     

[...] 3rd step


 #  Atom  Element  Kind  Atomic population (alpha,beta)   Net charge  Spin 
       1     Fe       1          9.000001     6.995986     0.004012     
       2     O        2          3.564147     2.829655    -0.393802     
       3     O        2          3.530082     2.891696    -0.421778     
       4     O        2          3.477096     3.065067    -0.542163     
       5     O        2          3.511836     2.968556    -0.480392     
       6     O        2          3.497889     2.993893    -0.491782     
       7     O        2          3.448838     3.094323    -0.543160     
       8     H        3          0.219325     0.241090     0.539585    
       9     H        3          0.218180     0.242569     0.539251    
      10     H        3          0.232233     0.250945     0.516823    
      11     H        3          0.232325     0.250821     0.516853    
      12     H        3          0.250804     0.261371     0.487824    
      13     H        3          0.238978     0.258239     0.502783    
      14     H        3          0.255165     0.272122     0.472713    
      15     H        3          0.270316     0.281142     0.448542    
      16     H        3          0.247369     0.261604     0.491027    
      17     H        3          0.254925     0.269922     0.475153    
      18     H        3          0.267309     0.277233     0.455457    
      19     H        3          0.283180     0.293767     0.423053    
 # Total charge and spin        33.000000    28.000000     3.000000     


QMMM| Information on the QM/MM Electrostatic Potential:
 QMMM| QM/MM Coupling computed collocating the Gaussian Potential Functions.
 WARNING| Particles:     512      1 at distance [au]:     0.58442032 less 
than:      0.95400000; increase EMAX_SPLINE.

* Value of r in Input =   0.584420 not in the spline range. Using =   
0.901013 *
 MM DIPOLE [BERRY PHASE](A.U.)|                  -9.832403   4.451024  
 MM DIPOLE [BERRY PHASE](Debye)|                -24.991473  11.313373  
 MM DIPOLE [BERRY PHASE] DERIVATIVE(A.U.)|        0.000464  -0.003523  

 ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( FIST ) energy (a.u.):        

The most curious thing is that if I switch back from MD run to Geo_OPT run, 
all is good, the charge on the iron stay stable and I can run it for as 
long as I want. Then it would seem that my forcefield parameters are good, 
otherwise the MM energy would not be stable there either.  
I'm assuming this is is a silly mistake in my input but I can't work it out 
and I was hoping one of you would be able to help me out.

Thank you,
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